Part 12

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When I arrived back at the hotel, things were very calm and quiet. I slide my key card to open the door to my room and Ace jumps into my arms. In this moment I feel so happy. He is the only one who is there for me when no one else is. He was my whole world! I couldn't handle it if I ever lost him. "Hey Ace" I said in a cute baby voice. "How is my little man?" I kiss him gently on his little wet nose and the tears from my eyes start to dry up. I walk into the bedroom and decide what I'm going to wear to bed. It was an easy pick since I had no one to impress anymore. I pulled out my Martina McBride tour shirt I got a few years before I auditioned for American Idol. It was my first concert and I'll never forget it! The shirt is worn and faded but I don't care. I'm surprised It still fits!

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