Part 37

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I gave the woman a puzzled look. "Mike Fisher?" I said slowly. "Yes, honey! Don't you know who Mike Fisher is??" I replied, "No...I've never heard the name before." "Are you joking?," she asked sort of laughing. "He plays for the Predators! Everyone loves him and you out of all people bumped into him and talked to him! People would kill to be able to talk to and meet Mike Fisher. He's the best on the team!" "Wow...", I sighed. "I bumped into one of the players? One of the ACTUAL players on the Preds? THIS IS AWESOME!" I took a deep breath as my face went from open-mouthed to an almost frown. "I didn't even see his face...this stinks. I don't even know who he is..." "Look for him out on the ice," she said. "His last name is Fisher so just look for his jersey and you'll find him. You probably won't be able to see his face since he'll be wearing a helmet but I'm sure if you watch him , he'll take it off and you'll be able to see his face." "Wow, thanks!" I responded. "Is he attractive?," I giggled. "Everyone else seems to think he's attractive but he's a little too young for me." She winked. "Next up!" I heard the cashier say. I turned around with a huge smile on my face as I said hi.

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