Part 27 and Part 28

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Part 27: After all the tweeting I begin to doze off, it was getting very late so I turned the TV off and sluggishly walked into the bedroom, eyes half open. I change into my PJs and Ace jumps up onto the bed. I pull the covers over me and Ace crawls into the blankets and we cuddle. It was nice and warm under there..."Bed...So...Comfy," I muttered to myself as I fell into a deep sleep. || Last chapter was so long that I didn't have time to tag anyone so if you were supposed to be tagged an you didn't read it, you can go back to it from the tag #threelittlewordscarriefanfic or just skip it since nothing important happened anyways :)

Part 28: *snore* *ruff! ruff!* I reach my hand for Ace but I couldn't seem to find him. "Ace, be quiet, mommy is trying to sleep." I rolled over and looked at y phone. It was 3 in the I fell back asleep. A few hours later I woke up with a beam of light shining on my face from the opening in the curtains. Today was the day! I got up out of bed and changed into a yellow sundress I had bought from one of the shops here downtown! As the day progressed I watched TV for a little bit, cruised around on twitter, worked out, made food, and played with Ace. *A few hours later* I look up at the clock and realize it was already 2:30pm, just a few hours until Hunter was coming! I stand up and decide to begin to get ready. I take a shower and when I get out, I blow dry my hair. Before I know it it's 3:30! Now, what was I going to wear? I had no idea where I was going. Am I supposed to dress casual or fancy?

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