Part 38

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I turned away from the concession stand with another bag of popcorn in hand. A huge smile was still present on my face and I kept thinking, oh my gosh I really bumped into someone famous. Hey, I know I didn't even know who he was but still. To know I bumped into someone famous?! It's awesome! You'd probably say "Hey Carrie you're famous, don't you meet other famous people all the time?" No actually, I don't. I keep my distance from a lot of events with A-List celebrities these days. I try to stay out of the spotlight, I'm always afraid that rumors will be spread about me so I keep myself on the down low. I'm  not really into the whole thing. I mean I love it at times but I'm just a small town girl and I don't ever want to turn into a snob like a lot of celebrities these days...anyways, I wonder if he knew who I was? Had he heard my music before? Heck, he could have been a big fan of me and I wouldn't even know it. He never said anything so either he had no idea who I was or he didn't get to look at my face like I didn't get to see his. Oh well, I thought to myself. "Hey Hunter, I got some more popcorn!" "Oh hey, great!" Hunter said smiling at me. "How are you liking the game so far?" "I love it so much. This sport is so awesome, I've always wanted to go to a hockey game and now I'm actually here, thanks to you!" I grinned from ear to ear. He smiled back at me when the announcer came on to announce that intermission was over. "Woooo! Let's go Predators!," I yelled.

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