Chapter 20

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Once Phil was brought back in the dining room, Dan's father apologized to Phil and invited him to stay. Dan smiled at Phil and sat at the table with him relieved that the rest of the night would go easier. After dessert, they gathered in the lounge for tea while his parents asked Phil genuine questions like what his favorite part of school was or if he had siblings. Dan was able to translate easily and after a few hours, his parents let them go. Dan took Phil's hand and brought him up to his room closing the door and loosening his tie.

"You were amazing tonight. Even when my dad was being a dick. You handled it so well." Dan smiled collecting Phil in his arms for a hug, kissing his cheek. Phil grinned and hugged Dan back tightly, not sure what to say after that. He wondered what they thought of him- once they'd actually given him a chance.

"Was Christopher okay? When you guys went off? I'm sorry I couldn't go with. I wish I could have." Dan sighed running his fingers through Phil's hair. "Did he actually help and calm you down? What did he do?"

Phil's eyes fluttered shut as Dan ran his fingers through his hair and he relaxed, leaning onto his hand. 'He showed me drawings you made when you were young.' Phil signed, closing his eyes again.

"I'm going to kill him." Dan laughed, blushing bright red. "Honestly, how bad were they?"

Phil giggled silently, still not opening his eyes. 'Cute.' he signed.

"Yeah right." Dan replied rolling his eyes kissing Phil's forehead pulling away to get in comfier clothes.

He'd only taken off his shoes before there was a knock on his door.

"Come in." Dan called tossing one sock on top of his shoes.

Christopher pushed the door open leaning against the frame smiling at both boys.

"I was cleaning up the office earlier and noticed you left this." Christopher said holding out the drawing of him that Phil made. "It's very well drawn and if you can do this under high stress, I can't imagine how they'd look when you're relaxed. Either way, would you like it back?"

Phil smiled at him and shook his head, he didn't need to keep it. 'Take it.'

"Thank you. I'll put it with the others." Chris smiled looking at Dan.

"Yeah, about that!" Dan began trying not to smile. "What did you tell him?"

"Nothing horribly embarrassing like how you used to cry to me come bath time and run out of there and around the house completely naked cause you thought you'd be sucked down the drain or-"

"Thanks. Christopher." Dan blushed getting up to push him out, then taking a quick check over his shoulder. "But really, thanks. For taking care of Phil and convincing my parents and everything else I've never thanked you for." he mumbled once they were out of the room.

"Stop mumbling, you mumbler." Christopher replied. "And stand up straight. I taught you better."

Dan threw his arms around Chris quickly for a hug and waited until he patted Dan's back a few times before pulling away.

"Goodnight!" Dan laughed walking back to his room closing the door. "I'm so sleepy." Dan yawned stepping out of his pants, jacket, and shirt and plopped on his bed only wearing his boxers. Phil did the same, laying on the bed next to him, playing with the blanket in his fingers, having nothing to do without his sketchbook.

"If you want to stay up for a bit and draw or something, I can get you paper or whatever." Dan smiled poking one eye open to look at Phil.

Phil didn't look at Dan and signed 'No thanks. I wouldn't want to leave and put you in danger of the monster in your closet.' Phil smirked.

"Nooo!" Dan groaned burying his face in his pillow. "He told you that?"

Phil pulled Dan up so he could see what he was signing. 'Oh dear, are you scared Dan? Want me to get your bear?' Phil grinned.

"If I didn't love you so much, I'd literally hate you." Dan laughed wrapping his arm around Phil. "And by the way, joke's on you cause you're stuck being my bear now, so who really gets the last laugh?" he replied sticking out his tongue.

Phil smiled and cuddled into Dan, pulling the blanket over them. Dan sighed thankful his parents didn't completely scare Phil away not wanting to imagine crawling into his bed that night without Phil. Their only condition was that they wouldn't have to see anything as they still weren't totally comfortable with Dan dating a guy. Dan didn't care though, seeing as that's what they were doing before, plus his parents weren't around enough to catch them doing anything. He closed his eyes pecking Phil's cheek mumbling an empty threat towards Christopher. And nothing was okay - not by far: Dan's expectations were still quite high and he would still study Law and become a lawyer. He still has to follow the plan for the most part, but at least now he could do it with Phil. He wouldn't have to go through it alone and that somehow made everything alright.

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