Chapter 9

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After Dan's studies and piano practice, he went up to his room and lay on his bed to think. He was past crying and onto thinking. He realized that Phil probably ran because Dan shouted at him and grabbed him. He tucked that thought away for next time - if there were to be a next time - so that he wouldn't scare Phil. He had to take things slowly with him. He got off his bed and pulled the drawing Phil gave to Dan the first time they spoke and hung it on his wall. Even though it was a drawing of himself, it'd remind him of Phil every time he looked at it, and that thought comforted him. So what if someone saw and he got in trouble? The picture made him happy and he wanted it there.

He sat up in bed and stared at the picture for a bit pulling his legs up to his chest. Dan wanted to go to sleep so that he could see Phil faster, but he also wanted to stare at the drawing for a little longer. Was it weird for him to want to see Phil so badly even though he barely knew anything about him? Maybe it was, but Dan's life wasn't exactly normal. He didn't have a proper childhood, never got hugs or goodnight kisses from mum and dad and his parents barely knew who he was. Maybe Phil could be good for him, and he could be good for Phil.


Dan got to school a bit earlier than usual so he could get to class before anyone else did so he could talk to Phil. Phil was already sitting in his desk when Dan walked in and sat next to him.

"Hey." Dan smiled kicking his legs up on the desk chair in front of him.

Phil wasn't quite expecting the greeting, causing his hand to spasm and mark his drawing. He didn't mind too much, making a note to try to get used to Dan. He looked up to Dan for a moment as some kind of greeting.

"So..." Dan sighed trying to think of something to say.

He'd been waiting all night to see Phil and talk to him, but not once did he actually think of anything he wanted to say. So he let his mind wander to the childish side of him and just began to babble.

"I know you didn't mean to, but thanks for taking me to the park yesterday. I wanted to go back but I couldn't remember how to get there so I just stayed home. I kind of want to go back and pick some flowers and put them in my room, but that's sort of dumb because who has wildflowers in their room? Plus, I'd have to water them and I know I'd forget to. I'm bad at remembering things like that. But I'm glad I didn't go back because I want to wait for you to come with. I mean, it's a public place, but it's sort of our place, you know? Like besides school and back home, that was the first place I've been to in this town and the first place I went with you and I really like it there cause there's a field and a playground with slides and swings. You know, I've never been down a slide or sat on a swing before, but maybe you and I can go sometime and try it. Like maybe this weekend. Wild Friday night at the park." Dan laughed at his own joke before realizing he was the only one who found it relatively funny.

He cleared his throat and looked down at his lap cursing himself for being so childish and awkward.

Phil only listened to what he found most important or Dan's rambling. He nodded a bit, not taking his eyes off the drawing.

"Yeah? Is that a yes? For this weekend?" Dan asked, getting a bit more excited than he should have. Phil nodded again, drawing in the details of a bird outside the window next to him.

"Cool." Dan nodded standing up to move to his assigned seat as the clock ticked away while more and more people flooded the hallways and trickled into class.

Dan found it hard to sit still and pay attention to anything all day in anticipation for this weekend even though it was only Tuesday morning.

"Someone's smiley today." Allison laughed leaning into Dan during lunch.

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