Chapter 10

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Hello lovlies! Thank you for reading this :) Here is CHAPTER 10!! YAY! I hope you enjoy it. 


The final bell rang for the day and Dan couldn't be more excited. He purposefully didn't talk to Phil all week in hopes he could impress him with the few phrases he learned. He gathered his things and followed Phil to his locker waiting patiently for him to grab the books he needed.

Phil traded his pencil in for a new one, opening the stash of art supplies he had in his locker. He closed his locker, looking around the hallways as he heard students starting to flood in. He gave Dan a look, hoping he'd figure it out. Dan grabbed Phil's hand leading him out of the building before the halls got too crowded not needing any of his books. He only brought his backpack home for show, but staying would make Phil anxious. Dan knew that now - that large groups of people should be avoided to keep Phil comfortable - which is how he wanted Phil to be around him. Once they were outside, Dan pressed his lips together so he wouldn't say anything. He waited this long - he's not going to blow it now. Phil moved a comfortable distance away from Dan, but didn't pull his hand away. He kept their fingers entwined, though he knew people would stare if they didn't hurry away from school grounds. Phil lead them quickly to the park, walking passed the field and to the playground. Dan held out a swing motioning for Phil to sit down as he took a seat next to him in his own swing. Dan looked up at the chains hoping they wouldn't collapse under him. He felt the cold metal chain in one hand, then turned back to Phil thinking about what he was going to sign to him, then decided on staying simple for now.

'Hello Phil. How are you today?' he signed hoping it wasn't too sloppy or fast and Phil could read it.

Phil's eyes widened a bit as he watched Dan's hands make familiar signs. He recognized them immediately and he didn't know what to say. He looked up to Dan's face, as if it would confirm that did in fact just happen. Taking his hands off the swing and placing his sketchbook on the ground, he slowly signed back. 'Did you learn this for me?' He hoped Dan could understand that.

Dan smiled when Phil signed back but didn't quite get everything. He picked up a few words and assumed the rest so that he could answer.

'Yes, but I do not know a lot.' he signed still smiling. 'I want to know it all one day.'

Phil's face broke into a bright smile, something his face hasn't worn in a long time. He flicked his eyes up to Dan's, not knowing what to say - and quite content not saying anything. He was going to help Dan, teach him more if he wanted to learn.

"I only know a little bit more. I can spell my name and your's too. And I mess up on times a lot but I'm working on that. I only know baby phrases like 'how are you?' and 'I like to...' then a few activities." Dan sighed wishing he knew enough to hold a conversation with Phil. "But I am trying to learn more."

'I promise.' he signed.

Phil grinned at Dan, not sure what to think at that moment. Dan did that all for him: Dan is learning an entire language all for him. He put his hands in his lap, smiling happily as he looked down at the ground. Dan felt his heart flutter seeing Phil smile knowing he caused it. He didn't know what else to say, so he tried to start swinging kicking his legs on the ground to get him to go unsure why he wasn't going higher. He decided the swing was probably broken, but didn't want to move away from Phil so he just sat, holding onto the cold chains.

Phil noticed Dan's struggling and remembered he'd never been on a swing before. He got up from his swing, trying not to step on his sketchbook and stood behind Dan, placing his hands on Dan's sides. He knew he wasn't strong at all, and he was glad he only had to count on momentum.

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