Chapter 15

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Dan tossed and turned all night, though once he was able to get to sleep, he only had nightmares. He saw himself going over to Phil's house seeing him hanging from his bedroom ceiling fan, rocking gently with a small smile on his face. He'd wake up and quickly shake the thought away. Phil promised he'd come to school tomorrow. And every day is going to be an uphill battle, but Phil wouldn't be fighting it alone. Dan padded downstairs to grab a mug of hot chocolate and clear his head. He would be there for Phil. He could help him and make sure Phil never feels the need to take his life. Dan promised himself that he'd make sure Phil never felt the way Phil's father did before that day and made his way back upstairs.


"Hey, just to let you know so there won't be a search party for me again, I'll be up in the library during lunch." Dan smiled at Allison as they walked towards the cafeteria for lunch.

"What for?" She asked casually twisting her hair around her finger.

"Um, studying." Dan nodded.

"Dan," she sighed, "we both know that's not it. You're too smart for that. I mean, I'll tell everyone else that if you want, but you can be honest with me. I'm honest with you."

"You're right. Just...don't judge me okay?"

"Of course not! What's up?"

"Remember my first day here and I asked who Phil was and you guys were all going on about how weird he was?" Dan started figuring that was a good place.

"Yes...?" she said giving Dan a confused look.

"Well, I sort of wanted to give him a chance and see and I don't know, we just got really close and now...I'm...I mean, we're kind" Dan finished, hating the way his voice rose at the end of his sentence like it was a question.

"You're dating Freaky Phil? Phil Lester?"

"Shh! Not so bloody loud!" Dan whined clamping a hand over her mouth. "But yeah. I mean, I like him a lot and I don't really care who knows, but he' would be best if people didn't know. He wouldn't like that kind of attention cause it'd make him uncomfortable and I don't want him to be and-"

"Dan! Okay, okay. It's cute that you care about him so much. He could use a friend and I'm sure he's glad it's you. I'll just tell everyone you're studying then. Say hi to him for me." She smiled pushing Dan's hand away from her mouth.

"Yeah, hi. Okay. I will." Dan nodded hugging his books to his chest to cover up his pounding heart. "Thanks for not like, freaking out or anything. I know that I shouldn't like guys, but-"

"It's alright Dan. Seriously. I promise I won't tell anyone else, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. Thanks."

"You're welcome. I'll see you later." she replied giving Dan a tight hug. "And there's nothing wrong with liking guys. If that makes you happy, then I'm happy." she whispered.

"I am. I really, truly am." Dan replied letting out the breath he didn't know he was holding. "See you later."

She waved him off while Dan made his way to the library to surprise Phil. He saw him sitting in his usual corner with his beanbag chair positioned so that he was looking out the window. Dan put a hand over his mouth so he wouldn't laugh before he saw Phil. Once he was close enough, Dan's hands flew over Phil's eyes, blinding him for a second.

"Guess who?" he whispered in Phil's ear.

Phil shivered at Dan's whisper, and couldn't help but smile slightly. 'Who else would stand behind me, cover my eyes and have me guess who was there?' Phil signed, hoping there were no errors due to the fact he couldn't see his hands.

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