Chapter 6

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Despite Phil telling Dan he never ate lunch, he was still a bit upset when he didn't turn up at the table. Pete and James were there bumming off the others for food. Dan decided he didn't really like them much, but they were friends of Zachery so he sucked it up and handed over his yogurt.

Chloe and Allison still tried civilly flirting and fighting for Dan's attention, but he was used to it now. The rest of the group was pretty good, but Dan felt like he didn't know any of them. He still wanted to keep his promise to make a good friend this year that he could invite over without them taking advantage of his parent's and his wealth. As great as this group of people were, he didn't feel ready to bring any of them home- not yet.

"Hey Dan, can you help me with my English homework after school? We can have a huge study group!" Chloe suggested. "We do have that test coming up."

"After school today? I can't. I need to-" Dan started.

"You need to help your mum with some task she can't do herself. Seriously Dan! Tell her it's for a test! It won't be long. Just a few hours after school." Tyler butt in before Dan could finish.

They don't understand. Dan can't just blow off Christopher. Even for a study group. They both know that Dan doesn't need the extra study time, and if he did, that's what Christopher's job is. Not to mention, he's got to practice piano before it gets too late.

"Maybe after dinner. Is 7:30 okay?" Dan asked deciding that'd give him enough time to eat, study, and practice.

"We can grab dinner after we study." Liam shrugged. "I'm going to fail that test man."

"Um, yeah. I'll just tell my mum I'll help later I guess." Dan lied hoping Christopher would be okay breaking schedule for a day.

"Great!" Allison squealed hugging Dan's arm tightly while Chloe shot her a look.

Dan took out his phone and sent a quick text to Christopher hoping that he'd be okay with that telling him that his friends really needed the extra help and that he'd be grabbing dinner with them.

"I'll just have to stop home and grab money, but I can meet you guys at the library." Dan suggested shoving his phone back in his pocket.

"Oh cool, I can drive you there." Chloe offered.

"No! No, that's alright!" Dan replied shaking his head. "You guys are already here. It won't take me long to go home and come back. You can just get questions together or whatever."

"Oh. Um, okay?" Chloe said giving Dan a confused look.

"Yeah, so I'll meet you guys in there." Dan nodded giving them all a smile.


Dan walked into his last class hoping to get it over with quickly so that he could get this study thing over with. When he walked into class, Phil was already there with his sketchbook open.

"Mind if I sit here?" Dan asked smiling at Phil.

Phil was startled when Dan's voice interrupted his drawing. He didn't pick his head up, focusing back in on what he was doing. He shook his head and started back on whatever he was doing.

"Hey." Dan said putting his books down and getting everything adjusted. "So are you ready for that English test tomorrow?"

Phil just shrugged, not interested in small talk.

"Well, if you want, I'm going to study for it upstairs. You're more than welcome to come if you want. I'll be doing all the talking though. Unless you have a question. Then I can help you with that, but I mean, just if you want to...I'll be there. In the library." Dan replied stopping himself as he started to babble.

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