Chapter 8

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"Dan! Woah, no offense, but you look like shit." Liam greeted seconds after Dan walked into English.

"Yeah, didn't get any sleep last night." Dan replied rubbing his eyes yawning.

"Why not?" Allison asked leaning over in her desk.

"I don't know. Just worried about the test today." He replied hoping they'd drop it.

"Alright everyone. I hope you all studied. Tests are coming out now so no more talking." Mr. Hayes called walking down the rows of desks placing one on each desk.

"You'll be fine. You're like, the smartest guy here." Chloe whispered back when Mr. Hayes's back was turned.

Dan nodded and took his test from his teacher's outstretched hand and started to work on it. As he read the questions, things got hazy and Dan couldn't seem to remember everything so well. It was a quote he's written papers about before, but what the hell did it symbolize? Dan rubbed his eyes trying to focus. He noticed someone get up to turn their paper in making Dan sweat. He should be done by now. Think! He scribbled down some bullshit about creation and love then turned it in. Dan sat back down in his seat resting his head in his arms wanting to get a few minutes of sleep while he could.

"You feeling alright, Daniel?" Mr. Hayes asked whispering in his ear. "Would you like to go to the nurse?"

"No thank you. I'm fine." Dan smiled picking his head up.

Faking sick was definitely out. Any time he were to so much have a consistent cough, or a slight fever, he'd have people waiting on him even more so than he already did. The last time he got a cold, it was as if he were dying - all the maids ready to get him anything and everything he wanted. He always had a hot bowl of soup and would constantly be woken up to take more medication the minute the last dosage would stop working. Everything a kid needed to get better was there, except his parents who sent him a get well card and bouquet of flowers from work.

"Just let me know if you feel ill." Mr. Hayes nodded walking back to the front of the class.

Dan sighed propping his head up with his hand wishing he could just rest. Just put his head down for a few minutes...


Come lunchtime, Dan knew he wouldn't be able to sit at the table with his friends. They'd all be asking him what's wrong or trying to shove caffeine down his throat, so he decided to go up to the library for a quiet nap. He walked in dragging his feet to the corner lifting up his head to see Phil sitting at the table drawing in a school notebook rather than his drawing one. Dan adjusted the backpack on his shoulders and pulled Phil's book from it placing it down on the table in front of Phil.

"You left this here yesterday." Dan barely whispered.

Dan could see Phil flinch as the book was dropped on the table. Phil didn't even look up at Dan, taking both books and standing up from the chair.

"Oh, you don't have to leave if you don't want to." Dan told him wanting to apologize for James and Pete but having absolutely no idea where to begin.

Howells never apologize so he was never really taught how to.

Phil didn't even listen to the words, not allowing himself to fall for Dan's tricks. He walked swiftly out of the library, making a few sharp turns so Dan couldn't follow him. Dan debated going after him, but knew he could barely form a coherent thought - let alone an apology. He collapsed on the bean bag setting an alarm on his phone deciding he'd catch Phil after school.

"Dan? There you are!" a voice called waking Dan up only minutes into his nap.

"Hmm?" he asked, still in a dream like state.

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