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Okay so I wrote this book like two years ago so dont judge me now lol. I am writing another one that i will be posting but I just wanted to publish this one again for old times sake. 


Dan stood outside his new home watching the moving guys carry everything in his new house. He held onto his backpack filled with the things he used on the car ride up and held onto it tightly.

"Hey mum! Need any help with-"

"Not now, Daniel." She interrupted chatting away on her phone to a client.

Dan walked to the back of the truck and grabbed a box with his electronics and gaming systems in it and walked inside the massive house. It was even bigger than their old one back in Reading.

"Dad, where's my room?" Dan called into the vast space, his voice bouncing off the walls. "Dad!"

"Daniel! I'm busy!" He shouted back from what Dan could only guess was the study.

He sighed and climbed up the stairs in hunt of a place to set his things. Both of Dan's parents were very successful in their jobs–his mum working for a high end business and his father, a lawyer for their own family firm. Dan's mum had gotten a promotion forcing them to move from their small mansion in Reading to a giant one in Manchester seeing as that's where her new office was set up.

He climbed the marble staircase taking a peek into each room until finally finding one that he assumed his parents wanted him to take. It was a large room, already set up with his king size bed and flat screen TV mounted on the wall. Dan set his box down next to the TV deciding he'd figure out plugging everything in later. He looked out his window into the backyard where they already had a gardener at work planting flowers around the cobblestone pathway and the massive fountain in the middle. He looked over and saw a patio complete with a table and chairs, though it was stupid to have it cause it's not like they'd ever eat there. His parents are always at work or too busy to even get a few sentences in.

"Ready to start school tomorrow, Daniel?" Christopher, Dan's private tutor asked.

"I guess." Dan replied shrugging.

"You guess?" Christopher questioned crossing his arms.

"I suppose." Dan corrected himself. "I am."

"Well done. We'll begin your independent studies after classes. For now, I'll set up your study so we may begin promptly."

"Sounds good, Chris."


"Sorry. I'll see you tomorrow, Christopher."

"Right. Goodnight Daniel. Happy moving." He called over his shoulder as he left Dan's room.

"Yeah." Dan mumbled under his breath looking around his empty room.

He debated whether he should unpack his own things or leave it to the maids. He looked at his blank walls wishing he could hang things up like posters, stickers–anything to give his room personality. But much like the rest of his life, everything had a set way and to deviate from that was wrong. Since birth, Dan's entire life had been planned out: he'd begin his studies at a young age to be ahead of everyone and have a private tutor on top of that. He would study piano and get scholarships for his ability to play and his high marks. He'd go to university to study Law and take over the family business and marry a nice woman. They'd have kids until a son was born to take over the family business and that's how things would go. That's how Dan's father was raised, and his father before him. Dan was no exception to the rule.

Yet, at the same time, he was. He loved piano, but that was the only thing he had in common with his life plan. He hated the extra studying. He liked girls, but found it easier to imagine himself marrying a guy, though he'd never tell his parents that. He hated Law and would much rather become an actor and despite telling his parents about his aspired future plans, he was still on track to become a lawyer. 'You'll love it! It's the family business and you're too intelligent to be an actor.' His father always told him.

Dan pulled his phone out of his pocket to check for any texts from his friends back home and not surprisingly found it empty. He'd been quite popular at his old school, though only because of his financial status. Once he announced he was leaving, his "friends" seemed to have forgotten how to text or message him, but they were sure to remember to delete him off their Facebooks and Twitters. Despite Dan's efforts to talk to any of them, he was always met with an empty inbox.

"Good evening, Daniel." one of his family's maids greeted him knocking on his door.

"Evening." Dan nodded back as she got to work hanging up his clothes and unpacking the boxes that had been set in his room.

Dan got off his bed kicking off his shoes and hopping down the stairs already bored with his new home.

"Daniel, have you practiced yet today?" his mum asked holding her phone between her shoulder and ear while she shuffled through papers.

"Not yet. I-"

"Get to it then." She ordered waving him away. "No, not you, my son. Sorry now what was that proposal?"

Dan groaned loudly rolling his eyes. He can't even get more than a few words in with either of his parents without being waved away or sent to do something else. He wandered around looking for his grand piano he was sure his parents brought.

"Where is it?" He called to anyone who'd answer him.

"Where is what?" Christopher asked emerging from a side room.

"My piano."

"What about your piano Daniel? Full sentences."

"Where is my piano?" Dan groaned trying not to roll his eyes.

"Right this way." Christopher smiled waving his hand for Dan to follow.

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