Chapter 14

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Okay everyone. 

Triggers: Mentions of suicide


Dan's mind was still buzzing when he walked into school the next morning. He met Phil at his desk before everyone else got there as usual.

"Hello." Dan smiled sitting next to Phil.

Phil gave Dan a small smile, only picking his head up for a second and then turning back to his drawing. He was drawing the front of the classroom before everyone got here. He usually drew rooms when they were full of people so it was a bit different. Dan sat silently next to Phil watching him draw. The classroom was eerily quiet without their teacher or any students, but Dan was fine with this sort of silence - the only noise being Phil's pencil dancing against the page. Phil was quite happy with his drawing even in it's current state. He'd been drawing people too much recently and he was glad to have something else- even if it was something he'd drawn countless times.

"So last night..." Dan started unable to wipe that stupid smile off his face. "It was really...I mean, it was fun. I'm glad I was able to spend it with you. Even though it was cut kind of short."

Phil nodded slightly, to let him know he was listening and to tell him he agreed. Phil drew in more detail, looking up from his drawing to scan the front of the room. Dan watched Phil concentrate and looked from the drawing to the room. How Phil could find beauty and importance in some small school classroom, Dan would never figure out. But how he portrayed it in his drawing was something else entirely. It actually made Dan want to come to school. The first bell rang while the halls filled with students giving Dan his cue to get up and go.

"I'll see you later." Dan smiled kissing Phil's cheek before walking over to his desk and opening his notebook.

Phil's eyes shot open at the kiss. He felt his heart rate quicken- he knew he'd never really get used to this affection. He felt his face fill with color as he buried his head down and tried to focus on his drawing again, and not the feeling of Dan's lips on his cheek. People started trickling into their classroom silently taking their seats groaning about the 'Tuesday slump' and took their things out to prepare for class.

"We'll be going up to the library today so you lot can work on your final projects. This is the only in-class day you'll get, so use it wisely." Mr. Hayes told everyone while more people piled in as the final bell rang.

Dan looked over to Phil wondering if it'd be okay if he sat with him. It's not like he was going to do his final project here anyways. He's type it up the night before or just use one of the many he's written for Christopher before and he'd be golden.

"I'm going to need your help with this paper man." Liam whispered tapping Dan's desk. "Sit with us, yeah?"

Dan took a quick look over to Phil and sighed. He didn't want to make Phil uncomfortable anyways and he'd probably draw.

"Okay." Dan agreed, silently promising himself that if someone started giving Phil trouble, he wouldn't hesitate to confront them.

As they made their way up to the library, Dan walked with his group of friends but kept giving Phil small smiles whenever he caught his eye. Once inside, Dan was literally dragged by Chloe and Liam to the computers while Allison, Tyler, Zachery, and Alyssa followed behind. Phil walked towards the books more leaving Dan - though it was probably for the best. Dan didn't want Phil having a panic attack in front of everyone, so he let him go, missing him- as silly as it was.

"So, I didn't even read the book." Liam admitted signing on his computer. "What happened in it?"


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