Chapter 19

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Dan brought two of his tuxes to school and hung them in his locker so they wouldn't wrinkle at all. He quickly carried his things to English before school started knowing Phil would be there.

"I know this is a lot to ask and really short notice but this is the only chance I'll get so I have to tell you now and I really need you to say yes because if you don't we're never ever going to get this chance again and I don't want to scare you but it's really important that you come because it took Christopher a whole ton of time and energy arguing with my parents so please come." Dan panted, talking at a million miles an hour looking down at his hands.

Phil just sat there, not even sure what Dan was asking him. His pencil hovered over his sketchbook as he waited for Dan to explain.

"Will you come to dinner at my house to meet my parents? Tonight?" Dan asked slowing down enough, and looking right at Phil.

Phil swallowed harshly, looking down at his notebook. He really, really didn't want to, but it was obvious it mean a lot to Dan. He looked back up and nodded. He needed to shower, he needed something nice to wear- he wasn't even there and he was nervous. Phil was already sure they wouldn't like him but that doesn't stop him from trying.

"Good. Oh god, I'm glad." Dan sighed looking back down at his hands. "Dinner is at 6 sharp. I was able to get Chris to cover for me so if you want, I can come over and help you get ready and stuff. I brought one of my tuxes from home that you can wear and it'll be a little big on you like all of my things are but we can work around it and it'll give me time to show you how to deal with my parents and stuff like how to sit at the table and walking and stuff and it's so stupid, but there's a certain way you have to do things and it's going to be hard and scary but I know you can do it." Dan rambled trying to list off everything in his head that he had to do in the little time they had.

The more Dan talked, the more nervous Phil became. He just nodded and turned to his drawing, he'd deal with it when they got to his house. Dan breathed out, overwhelmed with everything he'd need to teach Phil, but the more he thought about it, the sillier it seemed. Sure, he'd still have to wear a tux, but what does it matter how he walks or eats? Dan wants his parents to meet Phil for who he is. Not some trained dog. He placed his hand over the one Phil wasn't using to draw.

"Forget about the walking and sitting thing. You just do what you want. But I want to see you in a tux, so you're not getting out of that one." he smiled.

Phil flipped his hand around and entwined their fingers, though he knew class would be starting soon and he continued to draw. Dan lifted their hands so he could kiss Phil's. Just meet me by my locker after school and I'll have everything ready, okay?" Dan asked getting up to go back to his own seat before everyone came in. Phil nodded so Dan sat back in his desk tapping his pencil hoping the day will go by fast. He stared at the clock watching the seconds slowly tick by.


The second the final bell rang in Trignometry, Dan booked it out of class and to his locker to grab their tuxes. He tossed his books in his locker not caring where they fell and slammed it waiting for Phil.

Phil met Dan at his locker, eyes scanning over the tuxes quickly before grabbing Dan's hand and getting them out of the hallway that started to fill with people. Dan held the tuxes high so they wouldn't scrape against the ground and ran with Phil unable to stop his heart from pounding. He felt nervous about tonight right now, he had no idea how he'd handle later. Once they got to Phil's house, Dan followed him inside and up to his room.

Phil threw his sketchbook on the bed and turned to Dan. 'I need to have a shower.' he signed, already heading off towards the bathroom. Dan nodded and sat on Phil's bed bouncing slightly. He figured he'd might as well get dressed while he waited. He loosened his uniform tie and tossed it on Phil's bed and unbuttoned his shirt leaving it hanging open while he began taking his clothes off his hanger. He looked around Phil's room for some deodorant or cologne or something seeing as the run from school to Phil's house left him sweaty and smelling like death.

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