Chapter 11 dyed hair

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A/N I wrote this on my phone, during my lunch break so ignore the mistakes please :) enjoy & comment on what you think of the story so far!
I woke up looking at my phone showing that it's going on close to midnight and my stomach is growling for food. All I have is a granola bar and some fruit. That's not gonna do. Calum is still cuddled up into my chest and I really want to move out of my spot between the couch and Calum but at the same time I don't want to wake him. I really want a pizza or something. I know we are on the second floor but there's gotta be some way to get food up here. I decide to give Luke a call. Pulling my phone out of my pocket and dial his number and waiting for him to answer.

"Hello?" Luke responds, it's a good thing he stays up late.

"Hey, it's Mikey, look you need to get me food someway somehow." I whisper.

"Why are you whispering?" Luke asks.

"Calum is asleep." I reply. "Back to the point can't you like throw some sandwiches up here or something?"

"I guess I could try, what kind do you want?"

"I will honestly take anything at this point, oh and make one for Calum too."

"I'm on it I should be there in 20 minutes...but anything happen between you guys?"

"Good bye Luke!" I quickly hang up so I don't have to tell him except I guess I wasn't as quiet as I thought because soon Calum is squirming and mumbling words at me.

"What time is it?" Is the first thing I understand from him.

"Close to midnight."

"M'kay." Calum replies by snuggling even closer to me if it was possible.

"No don't go back to sleep. Luke is bringing us food."

"Oh yeah and how's he gonna get it up here?" Calum retorts.

"There are windows up here, he will throw the sandwiches up." I tell him and I give him a slight push hoping he gets the point that I want to sit up and he does sitting up too. Except now he's got his head on my shoulder. God he's so fucking cuddly like holy shit I've never seen someone want to cuddle so much.

"When is Luke gonna get here?" Calum asks.

"In like 20 minutes, why?"

"Just curious...can I kiss you?" Calum asks shyly and I'm a bit thrown back by the question I mean we aren't dating, hell I don't even know how I feel about him. I mean earlier we got into it but honestly I think it was just because I was bored and I'm not gonna deny that Calum is attractive because he is I just don't know what to do.

"Uhm...I don't know..I mean.." I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck, "I don't really know where we stand right now, and uh I don't want to lead you on when I don't know how I feel...and yeah.."

"Oh. Okay. That's fair." Calum mumbles but I can tell he's a bit sad so I decide to give him a kiss on his forehead quickly and that brings a smile back on his face. We decide to just sit on our phones while we wait for Luke to arrive, I also went and turned the lights on that way he knows what classroom we are in. When I went to sit back down on the couch Calum was holding out his phone to me.
"What?" I ask puzzled.

"Well uh...could I have your number?" He asks shyly.

Ah that explains it, instead of answering him I put my name and number into his phone and hand it to him. "Thank you!" He grins at me. He's such an adorable dork. Wait what? Adorable? Eh yeah he's adorable. Next thing I know I hear rocks being thrown at the window. I go over to it and open it to see Luke standing below and it looks like Ashton is with him. I need to remove the screen from the window so that he can throw the sandwiches up.

"Michael get Calum to catch, you have terrible hand eye coordination." Luke yells up to me.

"Hey! That's mean." I pout.

"Oh you know it's true!" Luke rolls his eyes. I look back to see Calum sitting on the couch.

"Apparently I'm not worthy to catch the food." I tell him and Calum chuckles before coming to stand beside me.

"Ashton? what are you doing here?" Calum asks.

"Well since Michael is in there Luke wanted to hang out for the night." Ashton replies.

"Wow Luke I can't come over for one night and you already replace me." I joke.

"Do you want the food or not?" Luke snaps at me. "Okay Cal, I've got some sandwiches and drinks I'm gonna throw one at a time." And Calum nods his head in response. It takes Luke a few catches to get the first sandwich up here. It's wrapped in tin foil. The second sandwich is easier and only takes one try. "Okay here comes the drinks." Luke hollers up. "Also don't open them right away." Once all the food is in we say our good byes and thank you's before putting the screen back and shutting the window.

"Well let's eat!" I say as I unwrap one of the sandwiches and take a bite. I get a text unexpectedly.

Penguin: so why were you guys shirtless?

Oh fuck I just realized that indeed Calum and I are shirtless. Well whenever I get out of here I'm gonna have a lot of explaining to do and a lot of questions that I don't have the answers for. I know Luke is just going to eat all of this up. 
A/N sorry it's so short!

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