Chapter 8 cal-pal

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I tried to kiss him. I tried to KISS Michael. What was I thinking? What even came over me to do that? Stupid Michael and his stupid attractiveness. I was just bored and when the teacher left I just, I had to do it. Now there is so much awkward tension in the classroom. Oh and that bloody teacher still hasn't come back yet. It's been like 20 minutes man, what the fuck. I want to leave. I want to get out of the same room with Michael who apparently seems to be shooting daggers into my head with his eyes. I'm not looking at him, but I can feel his stare. I decide to ignore him and text Ashton. 

Me: I am an absolute idiot

Ashy Bear: *groans* what did you do this time?

Me: I tried to kiss Michael...

Ashy Bear: YOU DID WHAT?!!


Me: Yo I get it mate, chill out. I don't know what came over me. 

Ashy Bear: What did Michael do? 

Me: He jumped away from me on top of the desk behind him 

Ashy Bear: I can't believe you smh

Me: The awkwardness in this room is too much. Also the dickwad of the teacher hasn't returned yet. Hasn't it been long enough in here?

Ashy Bear: Why don't you just leave? 

Me: Can I do that?

Ashy Bear: Read the first text you sent me

Me: -_-

So I do what Ashton suggests I go to check the door and I realize something. It's locked. The door is fucking locked. As in I can't open it. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I say to no one in particular.

"What's wrong?" I hear Michael ask behind me and I gulp loudly. 

"We are locked in." I say quietly. 

"The teacher will come back." Michael tells me. 

"He's been gone for 20 minutes already!" I exclaim, "what if he doesn't come back?" 

"Chill, we will give him another 10 minutes and if he doesn't come back, we will use the PA system to call the office. Someone will come get us." He explains as if it was the easiest solution on the planet. I don't bother responding, instead I go back to my seat and slouch down. 

Me: the door is fucking locked

Ashy Bear: He will come back

Me: That's what Michael thinks.

Ashy Bear: Oh? He talked to you? 

Me: Yeah

Ashy Bear: Well hey at least he said something right? He doesn't hate you after the kiss.

Me: Let's be real here, he probably does hate me. 

Ashy Bear: At least you didn't actually kiss him. 

Me: gee thanks wise one 

Ashy Bear: Well it's true. The situation would be 10x more awkward

Me: I'm aware of that thank you.

Ashton doesn't help me with these things, he just makes more aware of what I already know. I know he's smart, but really bro? I focus back on the room, there's not much to do in detention. I could do my homework, but who does that? It's a classroom so there is nothing in here that would be entertaining. I mean there's always Michael. Oh the things I would love to do to that boy. WAIT WHAT? Aha I told you, you like him. I hate you brain. But hey you admitted today so...okay Ashton, I am aware thank you. The constant battles I have in my mind are ridiculous. It's a good thing no one else can hear them otherwise they would think I'm insane. 

"Hey Calum, do you want to play tic tac toe?" Michael asks and I am shocked.

"W-what?" I question back.

"I'm bored as fuck. I want to do something, but seeing as we can't leave the room...tic tac toe it is." Michael says. 

"Okay." I reply quietly. I'll do anything to have a moment with my crush. Is that what we are calling it? A crush? I think so. I leave my desk for the third time in this detention, and the second time as I walk back to Michael's desk. He already has a sheet of paper out and two different colour pens for each of us. I sit in the desk in front of him turning my legs so that I can face him. 

"I'll be O's, and you can be X's because apparently you have kissing on the mind." Michael smirks at me and I glare back. 

We begin the game placing our marks on the 'board' that Michael drew. It doesn't take long before I'm losing. 

"Again." I demand simply and Michael chuckles. It's a cute chuckle though. He draws a new board and we are playing again. This time it takes longer, but I win. 

"Winner of the next round buys the person a coke from the vending machine whenever we get out of here." Micheal states and I just nod my head in agreement and let the game begin. 

Michael won. So guess who has to buy someone a coke? Me. But hey a game is a game. It was fair. 

"So he never came back. It's after 4, detention should have been over by now." I tell Michael. 

"Yeah...let's call the office." Michael suggests and then he is getting up out of his seat to go over to a little intercom button that is over by the door and presses it. I follow him. We wait for someone on the other side to answer but no such luck so Michael presses again and waits another minute. Presses the button again. Nothing. He goes for a fourth time but I swat his hand away and he looks back at me with a glare. 

"Obviously no one is there. We can't keep calling." I say. 

"So now what?" Michael questions and I just shrug. 

"I have no idea." 

"Great. That's just fucking great. It's a Friday night and I'm stuck in a fucking school with fucking Calum Hood!" Michael exclaims loudly.

"Hey! I'm not that bad." I defend myself.

"Whatever." He huffs before going to take a seat and he pulls out his phone. Hopefully he is calling for help because we are fucking locked in a god damn classroom. I repeat we are locked in with no one to come and get us. What the hell do I do now? Call my parents? Call Ashton? Let Michael get us out? I don't want to be stuck here, but it looks like that's what it is currently. Is this fate bringing Michael and I together? I guess only time will tell. 


A/N Yay! So they are officially locked in! *grins evilly* time for the fun to begin! Sorry it's so short, but I hope you all like it :) comment and vote, it means a lot! Love you lots -Linds xx 

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