Chapter 25 cliffoconda

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Today was the day. It was the date. I wasn't too worried about it, I know Calum was freaking out last night, which honestly was completely adorable. The only thing that bugs me is now I have to tell Luke because Calum told Ashton, so it's only fair. So I figured I'd get it over with. I text Luke, letting him know that I will pick him up on the way to school. Might as well tell him along the way. Seat belt on, the radio blaring I make my way over to Luke's, do the usual of honking the horn twice and wait for him to come out.

"Thanks for picking me up mate." He says as he throws his seat belt across his chest.

"No problem, I need to tell you something." I state as I begin to pull away from the curb and head down the road.

"What's up?" Luke asks.

"Okay so you know how I was all smiley the other day, and I got Calum coffee?"

"Yes." He replies grumpily.

"Hey, I'm actually going to tell you why, so don't be grumpy."

"Okay I'm listening."

"He asked me out on a date like at midnight, and we were so happy, but we weren't going to tell you guys but little princess got nervous and told Ashton so that is why I am telling you. The date is tonight."


"Hey watch it I'm driving!"

"I'm excited for you! And I am so happy, but wait, why weren't you gonna tell us?" He hits me again.

"Luke stop hitting me, I'm trying to drive." I take my eyes off the road for a minute before I know what is happening both the airbags deploy and I can feel glass in my arm, but I know I'm alive, I look over to Luke who has a cut on his forehead with blood running down his face but other than that he seems okay too.

"Michael?" Luke groans.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I reply, "you?"

"Yeah, just bleeding from the glass, nothing else." He says.

"Can you move?" I ask.

"Yeah, I can get out." He unclasps his seat belt and then he is getting out of the car to come over to my side and opens my door. "The question is, can you get out?"

"The seat belt won't budge." I tug at it.

"Well let's just wait for someone, I'm assuming someone called the police and ambulance." Luke states.

"There's a shirt on the backseat, grab it and put it on your head to stop the bleeding." I tell him and he does what I say. "Also, what did we hit?"

"You rear ended a parked car." Luke says.

It's not long before we hear sirens going off and they are stopping around us.

It takes 10 minutes for them to get us sorted and we had to go to the hospital to get a thorough check up just to make sure there was nothing else, and I was told I needed stitches in my arm so we were told that my car would get put in the shop by a toe truck and Luke and I went by ambulance. The whole thing was quite ridiculous. Oh and on the way there we had to call our parents, who then had to call the school and tell them we wouldn't be there and why. It's not even 9 in the morning and I'm already stressed.

"Shouldn't you call your boyfriend?" Luke asks as we ride in the ambulance and the EMT's just kind of stare at us.

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Not yet, don't you want him by your bedside to comfort you with all of this?" Luke smirks and I glare at him.

"Honestly it'll probably make him more nervous about tonight, plus he's in school now." I state.

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