Chapter 9 mike-ro-wave

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A/N I wrote this on my phone just a little FYI so I'm sorry if it's not the greatest
We are locked in the fucking classroom.  No one answered when we tried calling the office and I don't know what to do. Calum is just sitting there looking helpless because I don't think he knows either. I mean how many times do you get locked in a school with no one to help? Do I call my parents? Will that even do anything? Maybe not since they knew I was going to Luke's after my detention. Oh shit. Luke.

Me: hey so I won't be over tonight

Penguin: why the hell not?! 

Me: I'm locked in the fucking school 

Penguin: boo you whore 

Me: don't quote mean girls at me, it's not my fault you noob 

Penguin: well I'm sure you'll have an interesting night with Calum;-)

Me: ugh nothing is gonna happen 

Penguin: you're probably bored and I know you're sexually frustrated so just make a move on him already 

Me: I hate you -_-

Penguin: love you too Mikey :-)

I don't bother responding back to him. What does he think is gonna happen between Calum and I? Oh yeah that's right, nothing is going to happen even if Luke is right and I'm sexually frustrated. It's not gonna happen. I am already bored though. You can only play tic tac toe for so long before you grow tired of it. There's only so many ways you can win. Calum has been quiet ever since we called the office, I wonder what's up with him. I mean he tries to fucking kiss me. I didn't even know he was gay! Hmm maybe I should ask him.

"Hey Calum I'm bored and I wanna talk." I exclaim causing him to jump a little as the silence is broken. He turns around to look at me and nods. "But I'm getting tired of sitting at the desks, it's getting uncomfortable, wanna sit on the couch?" I ask. I don't know why but the teacher has a couch on the one side of the classroom so we both get up from our desks and go and sit on the opposite ends of the couch facing each other. I pull my knees into my chest and lean my chin on my knees, Calum sits in a similar position.

"What did you want to talk about?" Calum questions.

"I didn't know you were gay." I blurt out randomly, well that's not how I wanted to start. "I mean you always exclaim you're straight as they come but you were trying to kiss me earlier and I guess I'm just a bit confused."

"Oh..uhm..I uh kind of just uh started uh having these thoughts uh...about" He awkwardly spills out and he doesn't let me talk before continuing, "yeah I always uh thought I was straight and then I uh..this is so awkward...I had..uh...a dream about." Calum gulps, "about us." He finishes. "So then I uh told Ashton this morning and at lunch. And he knew I was struggling with my sexuality at that point so he told me to kiss him." My jaw dropped at that point, Ashton asked Calum to kiss him? "I didn't want to at first but he said as weird as it'll be he wanted to help me. So I kissed him. And I sort of liked it. Like I preferred his lips to a girls." Calum mumbles, but sounding more confident now than at the start.

"Oh." Is all I can say. I don't know how to respond I wasn't expecting that. "But you hate me." I state confusingly but Calum just shakes his head at me.

"No I don't. I thought I did, but honestly I don't know why we hate each other." Calum tells me. And he's right. I mean we kind of bullied each other, just mainly bickered back and forth for no reason. Sometimes it went too far and I would get hurt by his words. It always left me feeling a little insecure.

"Honestly? Sometimes I hated the things you said to me. I don't think you realize how much words hurt to people. Like I know I'm weird, I dye my hair a lot and I'm loud but still sometimes what you said to me just really got to me." I tell him.

"Oh shit. Michael I'm sorry, I guess I got carried away sometimes. I shouldn't have said those things to you. Especially now when I realized I actually had feelings for you." Calum replies.

"How did you just go from hating me to liking me all within like a couple of days? I just don't get it." I say.

"Maybe I never actually hated you." Calum shrugs.

"Okay..." I trail off. "So basically what you're saying is I turned you gay without even doing anything?"

"Uhm I guess you could put it that way." He mumbles softly.

"This is so weird." I state numbly.

"Why is this so weird for you? You already knew you were gay, it's weird for me. Just because we hate or hated each other doesn't mean we can't do something." Calum says sternly.

"What are you saying?" I ask.

"Kiss me." Calum states.

"I hate you." I reply frankly.

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't." 



"Yes I do." 

"Oh shut up and just kiss me already." Calum tells me, and without hesitating I brought my lips to the other boy's and in that moment there was this feeling I have never had before, and I liked it. Calum crawls over to sit on my lap wrapping his legs around my waist as the kiss deepens. I nibble on his bottom lip making him gasp as I put my tongue into his mouth, we fight for dominance but I ultimately win. My hands digging into the sides of his hips. His hands are combing through my hair. I don't know how long we sat there for just kissing, hands roaming before we pull apart.

"What the fuck just happened?" I exclaim as I look at Calum with wide eyes. His lips red and swollen from kissing and it makes me want to kiss him but also makes me want to completely pull away from him. I don't know what just happened. I am more confused than ever because I liked it. Hell, I loved kissing the person I thought I hated.

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