Chapter 27 to the moon

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A/N I don't normally give warnings but there will be smut in this chapter 


It was 11 at night and we were at the house party. I had my arm draped around Calum's waist holding him close. I tried to pick the worst outfit ever on him, but then I came to the conclusion that he makes everything look good so it was a hopeless case. He looked so good standing there in black skinny jeans, a band tshirt and a green flannel. I was on my second beer and I was just enjoying the moment of watching the room, the people who were in it and a smile plastered on my face. I was pulled away from my moment by my boyfriend nuzzling into my neck and placing a kiss there.

"Dance with me." He whispers.

"Can I finish my drink first then we will go dance?" I suggest and he nods his head. Calum strikes up a conversation with one of the girls in the room and I feel this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. She was giggling at him and tossing her hair over her shoulder, and I realized she was flirting with him even though I have my arm around his waist. 

I chug the rest of my beer before I am pulling Calum away from the girl and over to the dance floor section of the party.

"Hey what was that for? I was talking to Ana." Calum mumbles.

"She was flirting with you. Literally in front of me." I deadpan. 

"Awwwwww someone's jealous." Calum pinches my cheek and I swat him away. 

"You wanted to dance." I change the subject. His face lights up, I think from the alcohol and he grins before taking my hands as he begins to sway to the music. I decide to turn him around and pull him into me tangling my fingers with his as Calum begins to grind on me. 

"Would you guys like some jello shots?" A guy comes up to us with a tray and we each take two thanking the guy. Calum stops grinding on me but I still hold him to my chest as we down the shots. 

The shots were strong, stronger then I expected. I didn't know what to do with the plastic cups, I didn't want to throw them on the ground because that just seemed rude, I mean I know it's a house party and of course they will definitely have to clean up tomorrow but still. Before I could figure out what to do Calum was taking my garbage out of my hand and walking away leaving me with a pout. I assumed he went to go put them in the bin. Do I follow or will he come back to me? Next thing I know I have a drunk as fuck Luke clinging to me.

"Mikeeyyyyyy heeyyyy." 

"Ugh Luke, you're so drunk." I state trying to hold him up.

"Why aren't you?" He questions.

"I'm just not there yet." I shrug. 

"Where's your boyf- where's CalYUM?" 

"What did you call him?" 

"Calyum I think." He giggles.

"Well yes he's yummy but he's not yours." I tell Luke, I decide to bring him over to the couch so that he could sit down for a bit and then I can go talk to Calum. "Stay here okay? I'll go get you some water." He just kind of bobs his head so I'm taking that as a yes.

When I walk into the kitchen jealousy fills me up again and I completely forget about Luke. The same girl before is standing in between Calum's legs as he is leaned up against the counter. The only upside is, he doesn't look comfortable which makes me smile. I go up behind her and tap her on the shoulder and she turns around to look at me.

"Hi yes, whoever you are would you be so kind as to fuck off and leave MY boyfriend alone? I would really appreciate it." I tell her. 

She kind of glares at me before huffing and leaving.

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