Chapter 22 january

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It was later in the day, nothing interesting happened in detention, I say behind Michael, he actually did his work for once. I was kind of shocked. We couldn't exactly talk this time because the teacher never left. I think he's still sad about what happened today. I think he thinks that I don't accept myself when in fact I do. I may come off differently but I am accepting of it and what my potential relationship is. I mean my family have been very supportive, except for that stupid bet but we don't speak of it. Nothing has really changed in the house which makes me happy, I wouldn't want anything to change. 

So here it is, almost going on 11 at night and I am laying in my bed, in my tshirt and boxers, looking up at the ceiling just thinking. Thinking about how I should ask Michael on a date. Maybe then he'll see how serious I actually am with all this. How would I do it though? I don't really want to do it at school because I mean that's not the greatest way to try and be romantic. I also don't want to back down, I don't want to be a wimp. I just want to go ahead and ask him. Maybe I should do it now, I mean sneaking out at night to ask someone out is romantic right? Maybe that's what I should do. 

I hop out of my bed and decide to put on some decent clothes, because you gotta look good if you're asking someone out. Also asking someone out in your boxers...not the best idea. I throw on a pair of black skinny jeans that I had laying around, and then since I was already wearing a black shirt I pull my arms through a blue plaid flannel shirt. I give myself the once over in the mirror, tossing my hair around to make it look okay. I decide I have fiddled around enough that I am ready. It's now or never basically. 

Before I can psych myself out I am walking out of my room quietly and making sure I don't creak any of the stairs as I go down. The lights are all off so everyone must have went to bed. Or so I thought.

"Where are you going?" I hear my sister ask as soon as I'm about to sneak out the front door.

"Uh...." I trail off and I see her giving me a cold glare as to say 'I'm not letting you leave until you tell me', I sigh, "I'm going to ask Michael on a date." 

"Now?" Mali questions

"I don't want to chicken out, I have the confidence right now so please just let me do this!" I plead.

"Fine, I want all the details when you get back." She tells me and then she's walking up the stairs to her room while I sneak out the front door, hopefully not making much noise as I begin my trek to Michael's house. 

I really hope this all goes well. I hope he says yes, I don't know what I will do if he says no. But what if he does? Oh god I gotta stop second guessing. Instead of thinking about it I decide to just hum a song as I continue to walk to his house.


I was outside his house. I checked the time, it was 20 to midnight. I crept around to the side of the house where Michael's room is. Thank god I've been here before to know where his room was otherwise things could have gotten awkward real fast. I stood below his window not knowing what to do next. How do I get his attention? I decide to text him, so I pull out my phone from my pocket.

Me: look outside your window x 

Cliffoconda: Why? That's creepy 

Me: Just do it. 

Michael didn't respond but I saw a light turn on in his room and he comes to the window. At first he looks confused before he looks down and now he raises an eyebrow at me before opening the window. 

"Calum? What are you doing here?" Michael calls down. 

"I came to ask you a question." I tell him and now he's even more confused.


"Just listen please, look I know we've had our differences in the past, and I've been a jerk to you, but I promise you that's over. I can't promise we won't bicker, because that's just who we are, but I want you to know I care about you a lot. I want to show you I care and that I want to be with you. I know you don't think I accept myself, but I do. I made the choices and I acted on them, I know being gay isn't a choice, but I have accepted it, and I know who I am. I also know who I want to be with, and that's you. So, Michael Clifford, will you do me the honour and go on a date with me?" I finish my little speech and Michael's face is priceless, he looks shocked, mouth wide opened as he stares at me. 

Before I can say anything else, Michael is leaving the window and I felt my heart drop a bit. Was I that bad of a person? What did I do? I begin to walk back to the road when I collide with someone and feel their lips on mine. Hands cup my face as they continue to kiss me and I instantly smile. Michael. For what feels like only a matter of seconds he is pulling away.

"Yes Calum. Yes I will go on a date with you." Michael grins at me before pulling me back in and now we are both smiling. 

"I was worried you were going to say no, and then we you left the window I thought you rejected me." I mumble into his shoulder. 

"No, I just didn't want to call down my answer." 

"I'm glad you said yes." I smile at him. I can't stop smiling. 

"So when is this date?" 

"Friday after our last detention." I tell him.

"Sounds perfect." He replies and pecks my lips once more, "but I think we should both go to sleep, it's midnight and we have school tomorrow." 

"Yeah...I couldn't wait to ask you and I didn't want to chicken out, nor did I want to do it at school." I ramble.

'You're cute." Michael smiles fondly at me. "But please text me so I know you made it home." I nod my head and we pull in for one more hug and then we say good night before I am leaving down the street and he is headed back to his room. 


"So what did he say?!!?" Mali asks excitedly as soon as I walk through the door, which almost made me scream. A manly scream, totally.

I grin at her, "he said yes!"

"Oh my god! My baby brother has got himself a date!" She squeals. 

"We might want to shut up if we don't want to get caught." I tell her and Mali nods her head in agreement.

"Well then let's go to bed." She suggests and I follow her up the stairs we hug good night and then I am walking in my room, shutting the door behind me. Taking off my clothes once more and crawling back in to bed with the biggest smile on my face. I pull out my phone and shoot off a text.

Me: I made it home safe and sound, sleep well, see you tomorrow xx 

Cliffoconda: night princess xox 

With that I put my phone on the charger, get settled under the covers and doze off to dreamland. 

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