Three Little Words Part 1

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"You're on in five, Carrie," Jonathon the stage director commanded me. Am I nervous or am I unusually terrified? I think it's both and those emotions from last night are inevitable now. But I have to do it. I am Carrie Underwood and even though I am a wreck on the inside, I have to pull it together so I can give my care bears, who are my entire life and the reason why I'm standing here right now, the show of a lifetime. I become startled as Jonathon pats me on the shoulder, "One minute, Carrie." It was my time. My time to prove myself and show everyone that I wasn't a wreck on the inside. I know that once I hit that stage, I'll forget about everything. The platform I'm standing on begins to ascend and I see all the lights and my favorite thing of all....the roaring fans.

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