Oikawa x Reader {2}

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"iwa-chaaaaannn!" a familiar male whined loudly at his friend, "why can't I see herrrrrrr?" he questions.

"because you're a bad influence idiot."

you sneakily watched the two fight volleyball players behind the doors of the gym, amused at your brother's actions. I mean, watching what seemed like a child whine to his mother about how he wanted desperately wanted ice cream was pretty funny.

you quietly laughed to yourself before heading in and walking towards the "mother" and "child"

"(F/N)-CHAN!" Oikawa yells and jogs over to you. "(F/N)-CHAN! (F/N)-CHAN! IWA-CHAN'S BEING RUDE AND-"

"no I'm not!"

"HE WONT LET ME SEE YO-" the poor brunette couldn't even finish his sentence as he tripped on a volleyball net pole, fell flat onto the floor with a large smack that echoed through the room.

you couldn't help but laugh and feel a bit worried for him at the same time for having such a great fall.

"O-Oikawa-kun, are you okay?" you say trying hard not to laugh.

"HA! THATS WHAT YOU GET ASSYKAWA!" your brother shouts from behind to come over to what seemed like the body of a dead Oikawa laying on the ground.

"Oikawa-kun?" you ask a bit more worriedly since he wasn't responding.

but really, he was dying from embarrassment.

(lol //slapped)

"oi, Oikawa, get up-"

suddenly, Oikawa shoots his head up, hitting Hajime's square in the face, hard (ahaHAHAHahHA).
the setter's nose had blood trickling down, and as he sat up you could see a scraped knee on his right leg, but somehow, he had a bright expression written all over his face.

you couldn't help but laugh again.

"(F/n)-chan!" he shouts happily

"y-y-yes?" you ask while laughing harder at his enthusiasm.

"do you have a band-aid? because I just scraped my knee falling for you." he said smiling proudly.

"literally." he adds

you laughed harder than you could even imagine and fell to your knees, hugging the bruised boy and giving him a peck on the cheek.

"okay okay, let's go get a band aid for you."

extended ending:

"where's (F/n)?! where that ass face Trashykawa?!" Hajime yelled after being blacked out for a few minutes from when Oikawa had hit his face.

"they went to get a band-aid together."


"um, yes?"



suddenly a dark aura surrounds Hajime as he stands up.




your awaited chapter fufufu

so some of you know I was going to have a hiatus

but now I'm not

it was honestly cuz of Japanese school I have every Saturday and its legitimately a school with homework; language arts, history, math, and sometimes (rarely) science


so it's kinda hard for me (even my friends), not gonna lie

it's hard for me to get used this school because it's like over five pages of math, language arts, and history hw. I also have to read a bit for language arts from a textbook

what even

the reason on why we get so much homework is because we learn what the kids in Japan do in one week

so we learn every single fucking thing they learn day by day, in just on fucking day for seven or eight hours

and then we have a small test every week, and math, history test like once about a month

it's really hard to get used to, but for once, they didn't give out so much homework this week, so yay me

but two days ago was the first day back, so that always means not too much homework

but no hiatus

just less typing

not that I update every day but whatever //throws hand in the air

oh and sorry for the crappy writing again //throws hands in the air again

8/24/15 🍓

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