Kenma x Reader

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"F/n-ちゃん起きて. (F/n-chan, wake up)." Opening and eye, you wake up to see a weird looking pudding
Wait, no, it was your lovely pudding-like haired boyfriend. You giggle a bit, and kiss his cheek with your vision still a bit hazy.

"研磨の髪がプリンに見えた!(Your hair looked like a pudding for a second!)" You say lazily. He puffs out his cheeks adorably and snuggles his head into the crook of your neck.

"F/n-ちゃん酷いよう...(f/n-chan, that was mean...)"

"でも可愛く見えるよう〜(but it makes you look cute~)" You say as you softly stroke his hair. You could feel him stiffen a bit, but relax as you continue playing with his hair

He hummed softly as your petite hands worked with his soft delicate. While he was enjoying your touches, you were thinking of something else.

"ねぇ、研磨?(Hey, Kenma?)"


"プリンが食べたくなってきた (I'm craving for some pudding now)"



A/n: I don't like pudding, I mean, it's okay, but it's not my favorite.
I'm craving for some sweets now
And sorry for a SUPER short fanfic, it's like three in the morning and I can't sleep, so wish me luck on sleeping the next day XD

Anyway, have a nice day! ❤︎

Deviantart: sentimentalsweets

edit: why did i think about writing this japanese ohfofio lmao

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