Going to college

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Men are stupid, but you gotta love them

She's doing it again. Like always. Dancing around with guys acting like she's drunk (most of the time she actually is drunk) then a few minutes later she'll bring them up to a random room and fuck them. Typical Shelly. My slut of a friend named Shelly. It's sad that I have to say "slut" but it's true you know? Everyone knows it hell, even she knows it. At least she owns up to it. I'm only her friend so she could bring me to the coolest parties. But when I go all I do is hold a red cup with cheap liquor, pretend I'm drinking it, and observe.

You see, it's actually really fun. You look at a person and guess their whole life. Like this one girl with puffy bright pink hair is wearing cat ears and has drawn on whiskers. It's not even Halloween. Puff ball is dancing like a manic and screaming to the top of her lungs. She's a attention seeker. Her parents pretty much neglect her and let her do what ever she desires. You could tell by the billion piercings in her pale skin. Some of them nice. Some of the are just a plain no. And it's obvious she loves cats. She'll have at least ten cats in her home by the time she's twenty five and her whole house would smell like cat piss and shit.

Then there's a guy sitting on the couch getting high. I know that guy. That's Stoney Tony. Every party I went to he was there and he always found a couch to get high on. From what I witnessed over the times I've been to party's he's just a stoner. You don't even have to think deep to see what he truly is. Stoney Tony just loves getting high. I should get high one day... would become a philosopher and tell the true meaning of time travel and intergalactic aliens that travel through space and time using the galaxies as frisbee's when they play with their other alien friends and get drunk by drinking the Milky Way. And then going into the black hole to get sucked?

"Hey bitch stop standing here with your tall ass-" I'm only 5'10-"and dance with me!" Shelly yelled in my face. Her tan hand grabbed my brown one and brought me to the middle of the room. I snatched my hand away and crossed my arms.

"What guy you did this time?" She waved her hand at me and flicked her red dyed hair.

"I already forgot his name... but that doesn't matter. Let's dance!" I took out my phone and looked at the time.

"It's 4:50 am." She rolled her brown eyes at me and put her hands on her boney hips. God has she ever heard of meat? She said it's the new trend showing your hip bones. I say that's sickening and abnormal and that's not good for your health. Of course she responds with a fuck you and I saw it back. God why am I friends with her? Oh right for the parties.

"And? C'mon C let loose. You're about to go to college in a week. The least you could do is dance with some random guy that leads to a one night stand." She knows how I feel about one night stands. I'm afraid I'll catch something. I have one kingdom and I'm not letting that get infected by a dirty dick.

"Let's go Shelly."

"But Cyra." Shelly said dragging out my name. She's such a baby.

"I'm your designated driver. You reek of cheap beer and horny sweaty teenage boys. Now let me get you home. Now." She rolled her eyes once again and finally surrendered. That was pretty quick actually. She would throw a tantrum like a damn five year old's mother just said no to him about getting those lame ass Legos. Then she'll make a big scene about I'm grown and I need to grow out my growness and be wiled and free. I think she's already wild enough.

"I'm gonna have a really bad hang over aren't I?" Shelly slurred a little bit.

"Yes you are shel." I dragged her out of the gigantic house and threw her in the back seat. Yes. I really did throw her. Shelly is practically air. She weighs nothing. I hopped into my black mustang and started the engine.

Men are stupid, but you gotta love them (BWHM)Where stories live. Discover now