11. Home Invasion....

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Chapter Eleven

Home Invasion....

Point Of View: Christopher

I reached over and hit the snooze button on the alarm clock, but the noise continued. I hit it again trying to silence it before the body in my arms woke up, but it just kept ringing. Ringing? It took me a full minute to realize it was my phone. The person on the other end was persistant because once it stopped only a few seconds went by before it was going off again. It was still ringing when I managed to reach across the now stirring body to grab the phone.




"Yeah, man, it's me."

I tilted my head to look out the window and saw that it was still dark outside. What the f..."Jesus, Derek. What time is it?"

"It's around three."

I groaned loudly, then cursed softly at myself when the body in my arms shifted once again. Somebody better be already dead or on the verge of dying. "Why in the hell are you calling me at three in the morning? You weren't on duty last night? And, this better not be a friendly call, cause come a reasonable time in the morning I will come to your house and strangle you."

"Ha-Ha," he said dryly. "No man I wasn't on duty and you know I wouldn't wake you unless it was something important. I got a call an hour ago about a possible brake in at a house."

"I'm assuming something or someone was found, otherwise you wouldn't be calling me so early," I whispered.

"Damn straight. I found something, but you aren't going to like it." He sighed heavily, sounding warn out.

"Lay it on me," I replied, thinking about the worse case scenerios.

"It was your house, Chris. The whole place is ransacked; it looks like a damn tornado went through the place. I don't even think they stole anything, just wanted to tare the place apart. But, that's not even the worse part." He summerized sounding pissed off.

"What?" I asked, much more alert and coherent then I was a moment ago.

"It's set up like a gay-bashing."

"That's not a coincidence," I muttered in thought. "The man that broke into our house claimed that he had to make the whole thing look like a gay-bashing too."

"Yeah, he did say that," Derek confirmed. I could picture him on the other end of the phone his head nodding and lips pursed. "Whoever did this spray painted the windows and doors with derogatory words."

"Damn, i'll be there as soon as I can?"

"Are you bringing Jer along? It's pretty gruesome."

"Yeah, i'm sure he'll want to come. He hates being in the dark about whats going on, especially sence he doesn't remember anything. You know how stubborn he can be."

"Ain't that the truth," I could hear his laugh before he ended the call.

Sighing, I gently got out of bed, pulled on a pair of dark blue jeans, a black shirt, and stuffed my phone in the back pocket of my pants. I swiftly turned to face the bed where Jeremy was lying on his side; arms reaching unconciously for my body that was no loger there. Hercules was curled up to his back, his long body taking up most of the queen sized bed. That explains why I was squished up against the wall.

I sat down on the side of the bed next to Jer after shooing Hercules out of the door. I really didn't want to wake up his peaceful slumber, but I knew he would want to tag along. Plus, he had a right to know what was going on sence it involved him. I just hoped he wouldn't be overwhelmed once he found out some spycho was out to kill him. But who in their right mind wouldn't be overwhelmed when the found out something like that. With him just getting out the hospital for a second time and still recovering from the first, I hope it wouldn't set him back. I knew he would have a bucket load of questions for me once he saw the house, and this time I knew I was in for a lashing.

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