09. Unwanted Nightmares &' Questions....

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Chapter Nine

Unwanted Nightmares &' Questions....

Point Of View: Christopher

I sat and watched him sleep for what felt like hours, afraid to take my eyes off of him or he would dissapear. I ran my fingers through the soft waves of Jeremy's hair while I grazed his hand with the pad of my thumb. I didn't want to move, not until I saw those beautiful honey brown eyes open.

I sighed as I remembered the phone call I got earlier. I knew I couldn't tell Jeremy anything about it, it would just end up with him asking me many difficult questions. Questions that I wasn't yet ready to answer. The information he would find out from those questions wasn't what I wanted him subjected to so soon after all the pandemonium thats happened. I didn't want to see the emotional pain in his eyes. So avoiding the situation and the unwanted questions for as long as I possibly could seemed like the plausable answer. It was a bit selfish on my part and he was going to be furious with me when it all comes to a head. But, I would do anything to prolong the inevitable pain I was going to have to cause to the one I loved so dearly.

Jeremy had ignored me for a good long hour when I stubbornly refused to tell him who had called and what the call was about. I smiled fondly remembering his cute stobborn face, it was hard to take him seriously when he was mad because he was so damn adorable. God, how I wanted to ravish him whenever he made that damn face. His nose would crinkle up cutely, golden eyes glaring at me or determindly staring away blazing brightly, his cheeks would tent pink from anger, and his eyebrows would furrow angrily.

I loved how through everything he's been through coupled with losing his memory he still remains the same even if he doesn't realize it, he's still himself, and with all his little quirks intact. Like, when complimented he looks away embarresed, the way he still stares at me as if he can see right through to my soul, when he's deep in thought he chews on his lower lip, or when he tells a lie he'll wrinkle his nose. Jeremy is himself, even though he's scared and afraid right now.

I wish he still had his memory, but I wouldn't trade this for the alternative any day.

I was just about to doze off when I heard a small whimper. I looked over at Jeremy, whose expression had turned to fear and his breathing labored. I jumped up from my seat quickly, gently placing a hand on his shoulder, "Jer, wake up. Wake up."

"Stop! Don't hurt him! Stop! Stop!" Jeremy yelled in his sleep sending my heart to my throat in despair from his agonized tone.

"Wake up, baby," I shook his shoulder softly, "It's just a bad dream, open those beautiful eyes for me."

"Please, stop," he wailed as he shrunk away from the pressure of my hand.

I placed my free hand on the unbattered side of his face hoping the familiar touch would help calm him a bit. "Babe, come on, wake up," I whispered roughly, voice full of concern.

His eyes snapped open, and for a split second, I saw the absolute terror in them. It was as if I was looking into the eyes of fear itself. Just as fast as it came it was gone, and I wondered if I had just imagined it.

I smiled at the relieved expression that washed over his face when he relized that it was just a dream and focused his full attention on me. I ran my fingers through his hair trying to sooth his erratic breathing and mine.

"Are you alright?" I askes, watching his face closely.

My only answer was a nod of his head before he turned to face the door conviently hiding his face from me. I sat down on the side of his bed, yawning, and stretching my long arms over my head.

"Do you want to tell me about your dream?" I asked sleeply, "It helps to let it out."

All I got in return was a shake of the head.

"How about trying to go back to sleep," I encouraged in     a strong whisper, "You look as if you hadn't slept in a while."

And another shake of the head.



"Why don't you try?"

"I-I c-can't...." He stuttered quietly, eyes staring into nothingness, as his body began to tremble.

"Jeremy, babe. It was just a dream." I whispered soothingly rubbing my hand up and down his arms, hoping it would provide him a bit of strength and sooth his fears. No matter how much strenght I tried to send him through that small gesture, it didn't seem to work, he continued to fall apart.

When the tears began to glisten in his eyes and tumble out cascading quickly down his flushed pink cheeks, and he began to shake even harder from trying to supress his sobs, I made my decision.

"Scoot up a bit, Jer," I muttered, pulling him into a sitting position, and waited as he scooted up. I settled gently onto the bed behind him making sure not to disturb any of his injuries or knock the IV out of his arm. I wrapped him tightly up in my arms, settled back into the bed, and began running my fingers through his hair which always seemed to help calm him down a bit.

"Everything is going to be alright," I soothed , "it was just a dream." I continued to talk softly in his ear.

"H-He's g-going to h-hurt m-me." Jeremy stuttered out between heart wretching sobs, his fingers clinging tightly onto my shirt, nails digging into my skin. He buried his,face deep into my chest, tears soaking through my t-shirt.
I was concerened that the sobs wretching through his body were causing him pain. I held onto his small frame even tighter hoping partly that it would steady his trembling body, but mostly because I hoped it would lend him the strength he needed.

"He's not going to get you," I whispered sternly with determination. I would gladely lose my last breath making sure that he was alive and safe. No one would ever get away with hurting him, not while I was alive and kicking. "I'm here and I won't let anyone hurt you, babe."

"Shh, calm down. You're safe," I kissed the top of his head, running my fingers through his hair. Soon he calmed down, I breathed a sigh of relief. I lifted my head to look down at him to find him asleep, completely exhausted himself out from crying, gently I laid my head back down on the pillow and relaxed.

I didn't realize just how tense I was while trying to calm Jeremy down. Now that he was asleep I could feel my legs and back cramping up. Any pain of his was a pain of mine. It's hard to see him in any type of pain, he didn't deserve any of it. Jeremy was so sweet, and he always deserved the best, but life seemed to be throwing rocks at him and didn't seem to want to give up any time soon.

However, Jeremy was strong and I knew he would bounce back from all of this, with as little scars as possible.

Jeremy shifted on top of me and let out a large content sigh that brought a small smile to my face. No matter where or what we were doing before we went to sleep, it seemed I always woke up before him. It didn't matter what position we fell asleep in, he somehow always ended up with half his body spread out on top of mine. His right leg bent inbetween mine, right arm swung half hazardly across my chest, and his head resting between the crook of my neck. I gently ruffled the dark mop of hair that was currently resided on my chest and tickling my nose.

He's......absolutely beautiful

I sighed, watching the sun began to peak through the window, really not wanting to move. I needed to get up and run a few errands wich included taking a long, hot, much needed shower and grabbing a bag of clothes for Jer. I looked down at Jeremy who was still sleeping peacefully, at ease for once sence the day he woke up with amnesia. Could it have only been three days? It felt as if it's been forever. Sence I didn't want to ruin his sleep, I slipped out silently from beneath him, happy for once that he was a heavy sleeper, and moved to slip on my shoes.

I found a piece of paper and a pen on the bedside table and wrote a quick note.


I'm sorry i'm not there to see you awake. I needed to step away for a bit to run a few errand, i'm pretty sure Hercules has gone completely crazy couped up in the house with no food. I promise not to be gone long, i'll bring back a few treats, that hospital food has to be aweful.



I folded it up neatly, scanning the room for somewhere to place it where he would see it right when he woke up. Not finding one, I gently picked up his small delicate hand and placed the note in it before folding his soft fingers around it.

I looked down at his beautiful face reluctant to leave him here alone for any amount of time, especially with what happened last time. I knew I needed to get these things done and hopefully he wouldn't wake up before I got back. I kissed his head lingering for a moment, softly removing his hair back from his face only to have it fall back into place. I smiled and backed out of the door, closing it gently behind me.

I checked my phone as I was pulling out of the driveway of our house. I had three missed calls from Derek, while I had the time I decided to call him back, so I hit redial and waited for him to answer.

"Hey, Chris!" Derek greeted cheerfully after only two rings.

"Were you waiting by the phone for me to call you back?" I joked.

"No!" He faked sounding scandalized, before becoming serious in a matter of seconds. "I was just about to try and call you again."

"What's up?" I asked, all signs of the joking earlier vanished.

"The man that had broken into your house was found dead in his hospital room earlier this morning." He informed me.

"Damn," I whispered, rubbing my temple with the fingers of the hand I wasn't using to drive with. What the fuck was going on? "How did he die?"

"He was strangled with a pillow," he replied back sounding detached of any emotion.

I shook my head ignoring whatever was going on with him, right now more important things were at hand, and shit was not adding up.

"Fuck," I cursed, frustrated like hell. "Did we get anymore information out of him?"

"Naw, man, nothing. All this is just getting out of hand. I don't know what the hell is going on." He muttered through the phone sounding beyond frustrated and just as confused and annoyed as I felt. Everytime we got a lead, somehow it was wiped away from us.

"Thanks for letting me know."

"No problem. When is Jeremy getting out of the hospital?" He asked.

"Hopefully tomorrow," I answered absentmindedly as I pulled up to the ice cream shop. "I don't know how much longer I could do that hospital food."

"Man, what I tell you about even inhaling that food," he laughed.

"I know, I know," I chuckled, "don't smell it, touch it, or eat it."

"Damn right, cause you might just keel over and die." He finished. "Where are you guys staying once you leave the hospital?"

"Mabe a hotel. I'm not sure if I want to take him back to the house just yet," I replied as I exited the car. "I'll let you know where we're staying once I figure it out."

"Where are you at?" He asked curiously, hearing me slam my car door shut.

"The ice cream shop."

"Oh, well i'll let you go. Call me later, asshole." He laughed.

"Whatever, prick." I hung up before he could reply back.

I looked down at my phone when it chimed once, informing me that I had a text.

'Fuck you!' It read, from Derek.

I laughed as I entered the old ice cream store I use to bring Jeremy to for our dates. The store had that small town feel to it. Everything was old fashioned and there was no doubt it was a family buisness due to all of the pictures on the walls.

A teenage girl with two pigtales in her hair stood behind the counter, looking down at her cellphone. I could understand why, the place was completely dead not a living soul in sight, but then again it was pretty cold outside. I walked up to the counter with a friendly smile, ready to get my ice cream, and get back to Jeremy as quick as I could.

"Can I help you?" The young lady asked without looking up from her phone.

"Yeah, can I get two scoops of mint chocolate chip and two scoops of cookies and cream," I replied, sliding the money across the counter towards her.

"Sure thing, just give me a couple minutes." I watched as she continued to type furiously on her phone, I was just about to show her how impatient I was getting when she tucked her phone away in her pocket and smiled sheepishly up at me. "Sorry about that, boyfriend issues. He seriously just irks my nerves sometimes."

I nodded with a smile in her dierection.

"Sorry," she squeeked, scooping some ice cream into a cup, "You probably don't want to hear about my problems. I'm talking to a stranger, a male stranger at that about boyfriend issues, like you can actually sympathys."

"I actually can," I laughed shaking my head at her rambling.

"With your girlfriend?" She asked staring over at me with an eyebrow raised, "Does she irk your nerves too?"

"Actually husband," I burst out laughing at her flabbergasted facial expression," and, yes sometimes he has those moments where he irks my nerves, but I love him all the same."

"Ohmygod!" She rushed out in one long word. "You're gay?"

I nodded my head,  greatly amused at her reaction.

"Ugh, why are all the smexy guys always gay," she whined.

"Could I get those ice creams now?" I laughed.

"Oh, sure." She mummered, scooping more ice cream into another cup. "So is this for said husband?"

"Yeah, he's in the hospital right now, thought this would cheer him up a bit." I answered as she handed me the two cups.

"Thats sweet of you," she cooed as she gave me back my change. "I hope he gets better soon."

"Thanks," I nodded towards her as I walked out the door.

"Come back soon, and bring your husband!" She yelled back, I just chuckled and got into my car. What a strange young lady.

I had just stepped foot into Jeremy's hospital room brandishing bags of food. I watched as his foot hit the cold tiled floor and I could almost see it happen before it actually did. I dropped the bags where I stood and rushed over to catch him before he fell and really hurt himself. He breathed a sigh of relief, clinging desperately onto my arms around his waist.

"Whoa....baby," I whispered into his ear. He hastly began to twist and turn in my arms frantically only to end up stumbling again and falling against my chest. "Calm down, Jere. It's okay," I assured, holding him steady in my arms until I was sure he was calmer and could stand on his own.

"I'm fine," he assured me timidly with an exasperated huff.

I gently lifted him onto the edge of the bed, his feet dangling off the side as he stared up at me annoyed.

"I gotta pee," he whispered.

"huh?" I leaned forward to hear him better.

"I. Need. To. Pee." He enunciated each word.

"Oh," I chuckled, holding out my hand for him to take, waiting with baited breath to see if he would accept it. His small, soft, but firm hand gripped mine tentatively as I helped him stand upright with the other hand around his thin waist.

"It's okay, i've got it," Jeremy insisted, slowly he let go of my hand. I tried to ignore just how empty and cold my hand felt. He took careful, calculating, small steps from me until my hand was no longer around his waist.

I watched him closely, he was to busy trying to keep the back of his hospital gown closed that he tripped over the IV pole that he had to drag along with him. My arms were once again secured around his waist before he fell.

"Damn, Jer." I said a bit too loudly in his ear, it must have startled him because he tried to jerk away. Still unsteady his legs crumbled from under him. I tightened my arms that were around him. "Easy, I got you."

I hauled him up and pulled him close to my chest. He clutched deperately to my arms, nails digging into my skin, slumped up against me, panting hard, and his head laying back against my chest. When he eventually regained his composure he bagan tugging at my arms again.

"I'm alright, let me go now."

"Okay, slowly. Slowly!" I whispered urgently, losening my arm a bit. "You're going to fall if you move to fast."

He stilled immediately, and I finally let him go, reluctantly. I stuck close behind him just in case, as he gingerly steadied himself.

"T-Thank you," he mumbled, heading for the bathroom slowly. The back of his gown opened, revealing his butt. I arched my left brow, a smirk forming on my lips, and whistled.

"Whht-phew!" I laughed lightly, "I'd know that firm ass anywhere."

I heard Jeremy gasp loudly, the noise echoing through the quiet room. His head whipped around, golden daggers glaring at me.


I laughed loudly at the expression on his beautiful face, It was absloutley priceless. Jeremy swatted at me, hitting me in the chest before he huffed, grabbed the back of his gown tightly within his small fist, and glared at me once more before slamming the restroom door behind him, which only made me laugh louder.

God, he was just so cute.

I walked over to the bags I had dropped earlier and set them on the bedside table. I chuckled remembering the dirty looks I got from the nurses as I brought the food in.

I looked up as I heard the bathroom door open, Jeremy was peeking around the corner, his big brown eyes timidly gazing into my blue ones.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned.

He nodded and finally came from out of the bathroom. He held his hand out to me without looking in my direction. I smiled at his way of asking for help, it was progress, no matter how small.

I took his hand in one of mine, gently wrapping my other arm around his waist. I felt his breath on my neck so I looked down at him only to see him gazing up at me. He kissed my jaw taking me completely by surprise before turning and looking straight ahaead. I wasn't sure if what happened was real until I saw just how red Jeremy's cheeks were. I chuckled, helping him towards the bed, one step at a time.

"You feeling better?" I asked once I helped him to sit in the edge of the bed.

"Mm-hum...." He nodded, still refusing to meet my gaze. I sighed, placing the palm of my hand on his cheek to make him face me. He continued  to avoid my eyes, so I kissed his cheek and watched happily as his face heated up with an adorable blush.

"Now we're even," I smiled.

The corners of his mouth lifted up slightly as he cautiously settled himself into the bed where I adjusted the covers around him.

"Thank you," he smiled kindly at me. "Whats in the bag?"

"Good stuff." I answered as I pulled out the two cups of frozen treats. "Mint chocolate chip for you, it's your favorite."

"Ice cream?" He asked, taking a bite.

"Yeah," I answered as I watched him eat, "I thought you could do with something other than hospital food."

"Thanks," he laughed, "can I ask you some questions?"

"Of course, babe. You don't have to ask permission." I replied pressing my hand to my forehead. "Damn, brain freeze!"

I smiled as I watched Jeremy giggle at my misfortune. His face lite up as he smiled, plump pink lips lifted up, bright honey eyes shining brightly, and his cheeks tented a luscious red. I couldn't get over just how gorgeous he is, and the most enduring thing of all was that Jeremy didn't even know it.

He blushed when he realized I was staring at him. "So....." He began, "have I had any other....partners before?"

My eyebrows quirked up at his line of questioning. It seemed that today he wanted to know more personal information.

"Yes, one other."

"Only one?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"What happened?" He asked curiously.

"From what you told me, you two were together for about seven years before he broke up with you. His family found out that he was gay, and the only way for him to keep his inheritance was to marry a woman, so he did." I relayed the short version of what Jeremy told me long ago when we first became an item.

"What a prick....." He scoweled a few moment later.

"I agree," I laughed at his small statement.

"Do we fight alot?" Was his next question after a lengthy silence.

"No, we actually agree on most things. We argued over small things like which type of chips to buy. Those usually ended with us laughing. However, when we did fight, wich was rare, they were usually explosive."

He watched me intently as I spoke, hanging onto my every word. He seemed to really want to soak up this information, his eyes gazed into mine, not braking contact once.

"What was our first fight about?"

"Our first fight was absoultely horrible, it was a few months after we got together. We had went to this party and some drunk lady planted a kiss on me out of nowhere. You saw it and one thing lead to another." I chuckled remember just how crazy that arguement got.

"Mm-humn," he sat up on the bed leaning towards me, waiting for me to continue the story.

"You locked yourself in the bathroom and you were way passed drunk, you were just out of it. I kept banging on the door and you were yelling back at me, but then I heard a huge crash from the bathroom and you wouldn't reply back so I broke the door down. The next night was the arguement..........."

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