30: Too Late

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Author’s note:

I’m sorry for uploading so late, I just had a few problems with family lately and this chapter was difficult to write as some of the words and actions have been done in reality. It felt nice putting it out on writing and venting it out but again, I’m sorry for the late update and I hope you guys enjoy reading!

P.S: Tell me how the last two chapters were!


I woke up to the sun shining in my face, Niclas wasn’t wrapped around me but he did leave a note saying that he had to leave early for a meeting in the city. I smiled at the man who had now become mine and my hands instinctively rubbed the bump on my stomach. I couldn’t wait for the baby to arrive! I would be a mother! I would try to be the best mother in the world. If the baby comes out a girl I would never call her fat, I wouldn’t torture her to get skinny and I would never let anyone bully her. If it came out a boy I would never let him be a bully and I would not let him sleep around. I remember the time where all my mother did was call me fat.

“You’re eating again?” She said as she entered the dining room, a disgusted look sporting her face. I froze right there on my seat, the cheese bread I was eating halfway in my mouth.

“You’re going to be so fat. Look at your arms! Your thighs! Do you think anyone would want to have you as a girl friend? Let alone his wife? That’s embarrassing Allie, put that down and go sign up for a gym.”

I grimaced and lost my appetite at her words. I spat out the bread that I had eaten and went to throw it out before washing the dish.

“Finally you listen. Allie, as your mother I believe it is my duty to tell you that things like that can make you fat. And look at yourself you’re not even taking up any afterschool activities or any sport. Do you want to be included in the ratio of overweight people?” I shook my head, no.

“It was just once in a while…” I said quietly. My mother gave a loud snort and laugh, I almost jumped ten feet in the air not expecting that.

“That’s what you always say. Wasn’t that what you said about the gummy bears I found in your room two weeks ago? Wasn’t that what you said about the cake I found sitting in the fridge last month, that is not-“

“But I had baked that for Brody and Reece!” I cut in.

“How dare you talk back to me!” My eyes nearly popped out, “After raising you all these years and giving you what’s best you dare to talk to me like that?” I wanted to protest and ask her what I’d said that had gotten her so angry but I decided it was better to keep my mouth shut.  

“As long as you stay under this roof, in my house! In my and your father’s house and using our money you don’t get to talk like that to me! You don’t get to be disrespectful! And as long as you are using my money to buy your fat foods I am going to cut your allowance!” It didn’t really bother me that she would cut my allowance as I was working as a waitress and interned on the weekends. My mother had continued her rant, and I wanted to cover my ears and lock myself in my room but if I actually did that she would beat me to a pulp. And just like I jinxed it the next thing I felt was a searing warm pain on my right cheek. My head flicked to the side due to the impact and I felt the hot tears threatening to fall from my eyes but I held them there. I didn’t want to show her weakness and she especially hated it when I cried.

“Don’t you dare be respectful again you ungrateful stupid girl. Do you think anyone else talks back to their parents?” In my head I gave her the answer; Brody and Reece talks back to my mother all the time and all she does is keep quiet. She would still put on a cheery voice and reply them. She would never explode like this.

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