28: Finally

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Author's Note: 

Hey you guys, I know this chapter is a little rushed and I apologize if the writing is horrible but I honestly didn't know what else to include in this chapter. However, the next chapter will make up for this one, once again I'm so sorry! I just needed this scene to happen first! I will come back to this chapter when I know more about weddings and how they go! I promise!


"Babe, I swear I saw a box in the living room" I said to Niclas as we were sharing a carton of ice cream. I was sitting on the pantry and Niclas stood between my thighs. 

"No way? We've unpacked everything though?" Niclas frowned. I bit at the chocolate chip in my mouth. 

"Mmm! This is so good! Local ice cream beats Haagen Dazs all the way!" I exlaimed. "Oh? Trust me there's a left over box in the living room and did you put it there? It just appeared" Niclas frowned for a minute before it looked as if he was composing himself. 

"Oh! That box! Yeah babe, I put it there just a second ago as I walked mom and dad out. I just found it so I decided we can open it together later"

"But I'm so tired!" I whined with a sneaky grin.

"You're such a big baby" I laughed out loud and slapped playfully at his chest before feeding him a mouthful of chocolate chip goodness. Niclas licked his lips before winking at me and making his way out of the kitchen to the living room I was guessing. I put the carton back in the freezer and popped the spoons in the sink before following him. 

Niclas was staring down at the large sized box with a frown, his hands on his hips. He was so sexy tonight, he was in a t-shirt and boxers. We just ate dinner and I had just finished washing the dishes. Thad and Marnie had just left to take a night walk by the bay. Everything had worked out perfectly the past few weeks. Niclas’ parents finally warmed up to me. I guess I had convinced Mr. Jaeger, who I now call Thad that I really did love his son and all I needed was to be with Niclas. It’s already been five months that we had moved in together and we were still strong. We still loved each other and we still needed each other. The house was perfect, everything was furnished just how imagined it. Right now Niclas had called me to the living room and apparently we had forgotten one box that hasn’t been unpacked it yet.

“Allie, how did we miss this though?” I walked towards him and hugged him from behind.

“I have no idea baby, but its yours, it says ‘office’. Did you put it in the storage room and forgot about it?” I bit his shoulder. I had a tendency to bite people I love.

“Babe! You have got to stop biting me! One day I’ll come into a business meeting and my senior partners will think I’m living with a werewolf” I laughed out loud and bit him a little harder. Niclas turned around so that we were facing each other. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me passionately.

“You want to unpack it? I’ll go get some scissors?” I nodded as I slid to the hardwood floor and sat in front of the box. I moved the box around and it was pretty light causing me to frown.

“Nick,” I called out to him “This box is super light? I don’t think I need the scissors the tape’s not even secured real tight. Are these just some more cables?”

“Hold on babe, I can’t find the scissors just rip it open then” He yelled from the kitchen. I could hear him fumbling around and opening drawers and giggled. He could have just gotten a knife. So I didn’t pay attention to my cute boyfriend as I ripped the tape from one end to the other before opening up the flaps on the box.

A gasp left my lips and my eyes instantly teared up. In the box was two-dozen white roses. I gently took out the roses from the box with trembling hands and my voice croaked out his name. I turned to the entrance of the living room where Niclas had his arms folded across his chest leaning against the wall, a huge smile sporting his lips. I couldn’t get off the floor, I was trembling and I started to sob, but they were tears of happiness. Niclas quickly rushed over to me as I got up to meet him halfway, the roses in one arm and the other going around his neck.

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