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I reappear in the same spot as I disappeared from only this time it's night time.

I can hear muffled sounds coming from inside of the hotel room. I press my body up against the wall to try to listen in on what's going on inside. I can barely make it out but I can vaguely hear the conversation that went down last night between me, Tristis, Cynthia and Aubri.

Then I can hear the doors start to get kicked in. I know I should find somewhere to hide. Just in case someone comes around back beforehand to scout it out or something. I find a spot, hidden by darkness near the hotel building wall.

I wait for a few seconds. Then another few, until finally I hear the window slide open. First I see Cynthia appear in the window. Her slender body fits through the window no problem and she lands safely on the ground just outside the window. She waits below as Aubri begins to climb through now. Again her dismount is planted firmly on the ground and she is safely out of the window.

Then its Tristis who appears in the window. The sight of him trying to squeeze his body out of the small window fills me with queued laughter. I watch as his upper body folds and bends in an attempt to maneuver his body through the window.

"Man, I really need to lose some weight," Tristis says.

I hear my response from inside of the bathroom, "Hurry up you giant lug!" I realize now it sounded meaner than I intended it to be. I resolve to apologize later.

The rest of his body slips through the small window and he plummets to the ground where he promptly lands solid, flat on his back. A gasp of air exits his mouth on impact and I feel sorry for the guy.

Cynthia and Aubri rush to his side and help him up. He catches his breath and begins to quickly brush himself off.

"Go! I'll catch up later! Just go!"

That's my cue.

I leap from out of the shadows and start moving quickly towards the others.

"Ale—," Cynthia begins to say as Tristis cups his hand around her mouth. He then holds up his finger to his lips and lets out a soft, Shhhhh...

It's almost as if Tristis knew what was going on, which, how could he? I feel tired of trying to figure out how everything works, who knows what, who doesn't... Who cares anymore...

I take it for what it is, and I close in on their position. I motion towards the tree line and they all silently agree.

Tristis lets his hand fall away from Cynthia's mouth forgetting he was still covering it. He mouths the word, "Sorry," she gives him a dirty look and we are off towards the woods. Like déjà vu; except this time I've got my friends with me.

Just before I make it to the tree line, I realize that I had almost forgotten the most important thing. I turn back around and head back for the window. I pull the key out of my pocket. 001239.

I drop it on the ground and turn to sprint yet again into the woods.

Through The Ascension Room***Book One COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now