Chapter 21

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I inhaled and streached as my eyes opened and agusted to the light. I knew that Niall wasnt there, and that saddened me, but I knew it was only because he love me. I got up and pulled on my slippers and went downstairs. When I entered the kitchen I saw my mom making pancakes and dad and Niall sitting at the table, drinking coffee.

"Morning, love." Niall said and my parents turned and smiled.

"Hi." I said as I shuffled over and sat next to Niall, resting my head against his shoulder.

Niall kissed my head and linked our hands together, "Did you sleep alreight?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Just let me wake up." I mumbled.


I sat up and took Nialls coffee and slipped it, "Okay." he repeated. I smiled and kissed his cheek as my mom put a plate of pancakes infront of everyone and sat down herself.

We started eating and it was quiet. When we finished Niall stayed in the kitchen with me and mom as dad kissed mom goodbye and went off to work....

"Mom." I said, snapping my fingers, I noticed that she was staring at my ring.


"'Cuz today is our last full day here I need to ask you smething."

"Anything." She said as she collected the plates.

"I need you to tell me where I can find Annabella."

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