Chapter 24

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I have this notebook I write in about my feelings, I mean I don't really talk to anybody to tell them how I
feel. I was hanging with Eric until he moved away so now I am over here friend-less, depressed about my dad and irritated by my sister. I guess you can say life is going well over here.. not. My biggest secret was when I would be over Eric house but I really wasn't. I was over Brittney house and we were having sex but talk and the type of relationship we were having it wasn't just about sex, it was about how we connected and became close. I still remember the day she texted me that message.

I just came in from playing ball with Eric, I noticed I had a five missed call and two unread messages from Brittney. Since I was trying to catch my breath and relax for awhile, I decided to text her.
Text Conversation
Me: Wassup Ma, You Wanted Me?
Brittney: Yeah CJ, We Need To Talk.
Me: About?
Brittney: Everything.
Me: Okay, Can You Be More Specific?
Brittney: What Are We CJ?
Me: A Fling.
Brittney: So We Are Not In A Relationship?
Me: I Mean I Never Said We Were And So Didn't You.
Brittney: So That Was Your Plan To Knock Me Up?
Me: Wait, What?
Brittney: Yes, CJ I Am Pregnant. My Sister Found Out And Told Our Parents Tuesday Morning I Will Be Getting A Abortion. That Same Weekend I Will Be Moving With My Father.
Brittney: Oh Yeah, Delete My Number And Everything Else.
That was the very last time I spoke with Brittney and as I know of, she went through the entire process.. by herself.

End of Flashback
When I do think of Brittney, it's like the first thing that pop up is the good memories. Even though, we left each other lives on bad terms we still knew our bond was unbreakable to ever break and for that she is the only girl I love. I mean Marcella is cute or whatever but for sure is not her sister.

6 months later..
Mariah P.O.V.
I got a call from the hospital early in the morning saying its a emergency so I gathered up the kids and Mama Joyce, who have officially moved in with us. I was trying not to speed but I was also anxious on what the news were, right when I arrived at the hospital I let Christina and CJ get the twins. So, me and Mama Joyce can see what room Chris is in but the doctor came out with this " look " on his face.
" What's Wrong?"
" Um.. Sorry, Mrs.Brown But Your Husband Have Passed Away."
" Are You.. Are You Serious?" I asked while getting choked up.
" I Am Sorry But Yes And We Tried Trust Me." I started to nod my head and the tears started fall.
" Can We Go And See Him?"
" You May But You Will Have To Hurry Up." I rushed to the room and there he was looking pale with purple lips. It felt like my world just ended and sunk into a deep hole, I didn't feel like living at this moment but I knew I had to stay with my kids. All of a sudden, I blacked out.

Mariah Elsewhere P.O.V.
I woke up wondering where am I until I heard a familiar voice.
" Hey Baby."
" Chris?"
" Yes Baby, It's Me." I ran up and hugged him.
" Why?" I asked.
" Why What?"
" Why Did You Leave Me When I Needed You The Most?"
" I Am Sorry, But Things Happen And If I Would Have Woken Up Perfectly Fine Without Anything Wrong With Me. Don't You Think Tha Would Be Strange?"
" I Guess.." I started to look down.
" Hey.. Regardless If I Am Here Or On Earth, I Will Forever Love You And The Kids.. And My Mama.." We paused and shared a laugh.
" I Will Also Keep You And The Kids A Spot. I Know The Kids Need Both Me And You In Their Life, But Don't Give Up On Them Because If They Lose Both Of Their Parents.. They Would Be Devastated. So Wake Up And Make My Babies Proud, Oh Yeah And For My Funeral Don't Do All That Crying.. Laugh, Have A Beautiful Smile On Your Face."
" How Can I Have A Smile On My Face When My Husband Is Lying In A Casket?"
" Because You Know That Your Husband Love You." He pecked me on the forehead and I woke up to hospital lights.

" Mom, Wake Up. Are You Okay?" CJ asked while shaking me.
" I.. I Am Fine." I said with a smile thinking of Chris knowing he is fine. Even though, everyone let go of the situation they still looked at me in a weird and confused way.

Saturday - Chris Homecoming Celebration
Everyone was looking sad and depressed while I was smiling and happy, I have been talking to Chris and he wanted me to do my very best so that is what I am going to do. The choir sung their songs then the pastor wanted me to speak on Chris so I got up and walked toward the podium.
" Hello Everyone." I said then people said it back.
" Um.. Chris Told Me To Not Cry But To Smile. He Told Me To Be Happy And Not Depressed.. Guess What? I Am Going To Follow Through, I Love Chris. I Am Even In Love With Him, This Guy Caught My Eye Around My Teenage Years And Still Have Them Until This Day. I Would Be Lying Right Now Saying If I Say Won't Ever Marry Or Get Into Another Relationship Because I Know That Would Be A Lie. Before You Start Judging, My Love Will Forever Be With Christopher Maurice Brown. We Have Four Beautiful And Handsome Kids That Are Wonderful And Always There When We Didn't Have Anyone Else. But, Chris We Will Talk Later On Love You Baby. Don't Forget To Save Me And The Kids A Place." I walked off and everyone applauded me. After the kids, Mama Joyce and a couple of Chris friends spoke. It was time to dig Chris, which was the hardest to deal with.. like I am actually standing here in this black dress watching my husband being buried but I kept the smile I know Chris would be admiring if he was here. I seen Christina and CJ crying so I pulled them into a hug.
" We Are Going To Be Strong And Brave For Daddy, Okay?" They nod their head. The gathering was at my house so I had cooked Turkey, Meatloaf, Cabbage, Cornbread and other families brought something to eat. When I arrived home, it was cars lined up and I walked in my house and seen Nicki and Meek standing in my living room with a presentation board brought down.
" What Is Going On?"
" Well.. Me And Meek Made A Slideshow Of You Guys With Our New Song." As they were showing these pictures nothing but memories were just filling my head then some pictures I was like how did they get these pictures. I started to cry but it was tears of joy knowing that me and him have went through hell and back. The video came to a stop and everyone started clapping.
" Aw, Thank You Guys." I hugged Nicki and Meek.
" You Welcome, I Mean You And Chris Are Family So It Feel Like I Lost A Brother, You Know?" Nicki said and I nod my head.
" Even Though He Gone It Don't Feel Like It." Meek said.
" I Know, But If You Guys Want Something To Eat I Mean The Kitchen Is Filled With Food."
" Oh, We Have To Go. I Just Wanted To Stop By And Show My Respect." Nicki said while hugging me.
" Yeah, Sorry We Couldn't Stay Just Call And Text Us Though.. Whenever." Meek said while hugging me.
" Alright." I said while walking them to the door and closing it behind them then Cierra walked in the door.
" Hey Ce."
" Hey Mimi." She said while hugging me.
" Hey Trey." I gave him a hug.
" Where Is Stephanie?"
" In The Car Changing The Baby Diaper." Trey said.
" Okay, Well Go Make Yourselves At Home."

3 hours later..
I was starting to clean up since the guest left, but Cierra and Trey stayed and helped me with the leftover trash.
" Oh, You Guys Didn't Have To Stay And Help?"
" We Didn't Have To But We Did.. It's Like You Are Grieving And They Leaving A Mess."
" Well, At Least We Are Done." I flashed a smile while putting paper plates in the trash bag.
" You Right But Look Sis We Gone Head Out." Trey said and I shook my head okay and hugged them both.
" See You Guys Later." I said while walking them to the door. My kitchen and entire house was clean so I went to go check on all four of the kids and they were good so I went in my room thinking of my entire life on up. My new quote for my entire life is " I May Lost A Husband But Never Lost Faith."

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