Chapter Eleven

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Sobs racked through my body. I couldn't hold them in anymore. Blood streamed down my skin and onto the cold bathroom floor. I tried to compose myself. I suddenly remembered Kyle and gasped. I had left him with no explanation, I felt even worse than before.

I quickly bandaged up my cuts with paper towels and pulled down my jacket sleeve. I burst through the door of the bathroom and took off running. I screamed his name frantically, searching everywhere for him.

At that moment my phone began to ring. I looked down and smiled when I saw the contact name. It was Kyle.

I answered immediately, "Kyle I know you're probably really mad at me and you have every right to be and I'm so sorry. But please don't hate me. I love you so much and I don't think I can live with myself if you hate me." I said at a rapid speed. I anxiously waited for his response.

It was silent for a few seconds, then I heard a strange noise. It sounded like laughter. The sound got louder. It rang in my ears. I felt like crying once more.

"Kyle.. why?" I stammered, "I poured my heart out and all you can do is laugh." 

"Johnnie," the voice on the other end sang, "this isn't kyyyyyyleeee"

My stomach dropped, "Bryan." I spat, "what did you do to Kyle?" I demanded.

"Nothing yet, but I have big plans for him." He whispered maniacally.

"WHERE IS HE?" I shouted, anger clear in my voice.

"Oh he's here, safe with me." He assured before adding, "but more importantly Johnnie, where are you?"

I was done with Bryan's games. I dropped my phone and started running towards the apartment.

I reached the apartment in record time. I flew up the stairs and burst through the door. "WHERE'S MY BOYFRIEND?" I yelled furiously.

"Look behind you" a voice commanded.

I spun around, tied up and gagged was Kyle. His eyes were wide with fear and he was shaking his head, trying to tell me something but the words couldn't make it past the piece of cloth over his mouth.

I started towards him but I was stopped by a pair of hands. One over my mouth and another around my neck.

"Hello Johnnie" Bryan whispered in my ear.

hey guys sorry for such a short chapter ):
But we have big plans for the rest of this book.
Be on the look out for two new chapters within this upcoming week
Hope you're enjoying the story so far
(Ahaha band puns)
But anyways you guys are great and we love you so so much!
-Audrey :)

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