Chapter Ten

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*Authors note*

This chapter contains self harm, you have been warned.

~Trigger warning~

Suddenly, Kyle's lips crashed into mine. His hands were running through my hair, as his tongue swirled in my mouth. I kissed him till my lips were sore, but I still couldn't kiss him enough. He pulled me in closer, deepening our kiss. This kiss wasn't lustful, it was passionate. This wasn't just foreplay, it was something more. Soon we both had to come up for air.

Kyle cut off our kiss and looked at me. His eyes were brimmed with tears, but he was smiling. I forced a hug on him, which caused us to fall back. I fell directly on top of Kyle, immediately he bursted into laughter. I smiled down at him. I went in for another kiss, when laughter from a nearby family interrupted us.

I turned towards them, and examined the family. A little boy was riding on his dad's shoulders, as they walked towards the carnival.

"Happy birthday Dad!" The little kid shouted as he hugged the top of his dad's head. This shot a familiar pain through my chest. Painful memories of my dad flashed through my mind. I quickly climbed off Kyle. Suddenly my dad's death came to mind, it felt like my heart skipped a beat. Tears were threatening to fall, when Kyle's voice broke the barrier of my thoughts.

"Johnnie!" He exclaimed, taking my hand.

"What's today's date?" I questioned frantically.

"Uh, I don't know?" Kyle said confused.

"Fucking check." I spat harshly. Kyle struggled to get his phone out of his pocket.

"It's June 28th?" He started. "But wh-"

Before Kyle could finish his sentence, I took off. I knew that date all too well. How could I possibly forget. I was too distracted to remember. It was the day that changed everything for me, the day my dad died.

I could hear Kyle calling after me. But I ignored him. Soon his voice started to become fainter and fainter, and soon nonexistent. I scurried into the nearest bathroom in sight.

I got in a stall and tried to collect my thoughts. I tried to make sense of what was happening, but nothing was making sense. My heart started racing, and I felt the urge to throw up. I knew there was only one thing that could console me now. It was Kyle. But he wasn't an option anymore. At least not at the moment. My mind soon wandered to another option, the destructive one. I reached in my inner pocket of my jacket and felt the little box between my hands. I knew that if I opened this box, there was no going back. So I did.

I opened the box that revealed the metal blades. I pulled up my sleeve, revealing my scar ridden wrist, and traced over it. The words 'fat', 'ugly', 'fag', and 'dark angel' were all carved into my wrist. Tears were now falling down my cheeks as I pressed the metal to my skin. Then, I sliced.


I searched frantically for Johnnie. Where was he? What happened? And why did he ask the date? I had too many questions, I needed to find Johnnie as soon as possible. Suddenly I felt my phone buzz. Relief shot through me, it must be Johnnie. I quickly answered.

"Hello?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh hello, Kyle." A voice on the other end whispered eerily. This voice was all too familiar. I took the phone away from my face to look at the contact, Bryan.

"What the fuck do you want Bryan?" I hissed.

"No need to be so rude." He taunted seductively.

"Why did you call?" I spat.

"Because, I've got little Johnnie." He said panting, like he was out of breath. I could hear clapping sounds in the background.

"Are...are you jacking off?" I questioned, disgusted.

"Maybe." He giggled. "If you want Johnnie come home." He stated. Instantly I took to my feet and started towards their apartment. I had no time to waste.

I was there in ten minutes, I was covered in sweat. But that was the least of my worries now, I scurried to their door, tripping over myself. I was surprised to find the door unlocked. I walked inside to find it was pitch black. I used my phone as a flashlight.

"Johnnie! Johnnie!" I screamed frantically. I got silence in return. I started looking in the rooms. I looked in Johnnie's bathroom and bedroom. But, to no avail.

There was only one other place to look, Bryan's room. I slowly made my way there. My heart was beating a mile a minute. The door was closed, but I could see lights flashing from the crack in the door. It took me a minute to open it, but I finally did.

There Bryan was. He was turning the lights on and off, over and over again as he made direct eye contact with me. Slowly he cocked his head and smiled at me. He had lipstick on.

"Wh-where's Johnnie?" I asked as my voice cracked.

"He's not here." Bryan said, his smile expanding.

"Where is he!" I demanded.

"Still at the Carnival." He answered flatly, as he pulled out a lipstick tube with one hand as the other continued to turn the light on and off.

"How... how did you know we were there?" I questioned, my voice still shaky.

"I always watch you, Kyle. Now you're gonna watch me." He said, as he applied more lipstick to his kissable lips.

Suddenly the lights went off completely. I screamed and struggled to leave the room, when suddenly I felt Bryan topple onto me. I could feel his hot breath on my face. I could feel his face edging closer to mine. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little turned on.

"Help!" I screamed out. I went to call again, but I was cut off by a rag covering my mouth. Instinctively I gasped. Suddenly chemicals entered my air ways, and I felt myself drift in and out of consciousness. I struggled, but it was no use. I had no idea of the horrors that awaited me

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