To Reverse Time(Chapter 5: Weather Better)

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"You're such a chicken!" I told myself.

I had hidden in the library room because I didn't want to see Alexander. I heard their voices from all the way down the hall, I anxiously awaited the moment they said their goodbyes so I could come out of hiding. I smiled when I heard him laugh at something Arabella said. He had such a nice laugh.

I sighed when I finally heard footfalls and the door shut.

Finally! I stretched and popped my back, I had been sitting in the chair with my ear to the wall for a while, before getting bored, then I decided to read. 

  When I hear the creak of the door opening, I didn't bother to look up, I just assumed it was Arabella.

I looked down at the book I had been attempting to read, it was a book on the medicinal properties of herbs, kinda dull, actually. I had been on the same two pages since I heard Alexander's carriage arrive here.

I decided to put it back where it came from when I heard someone clear their throat from behind me.

I looked out of the corner of my eye and it was him! I turned quickly and probably gapped at him.

Wh-what-"Hello, Miss Benjamin." He said smoothly.

"What a pleasant surprise, Mr. Horne," I squeaked. "What are you doing here?"

"I was asked to tea by Miss Hendry, I was alittle disappointed when she told me you were not going to be attending."

I didn't know how to reply. "I apologise, I have been feeling under the weather so I thought it would be wise not to go in case I was contagious." I lied effortlessly, a nifty trick that came from having a family full of compulsive liars.

He surveyed me for a moment. "I see. Are you feeling any better now?" He asked suspiciously.

"Yes," I smiled."at least for the moment." Darn it! I should have said no, then he would have left. What is wrong with me?!

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