Chapter 23: Bloody Hell

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- Avery's POV -

"Parker?" I whisper shakily, tears already escaping from my eyes. Even though I imagined this exact moment so many times, it was hard to believe it was actually happening. Right now. Right here. My mate finally woke up and immediately the pain in my chest eased. Immediately, I felt ten times stronger than I did before.

Parker didn't say anything as I continued to stare at him and I started to get worried. What if this will turn out like the many books I've read? What if he lost his memory like many people do in the movies and books? Oh god, I really need to stop reading romance novels.

"Please say something" I sobbed worried out of my mind about the possibility that he could have lost his memory. That he could have forgotten his life. That he could have forgotten me.

His eyes roamed the room and seemed to stop at something. I look towards where his was looking at and saw a glass of water. Does he want it?

"Um. Do you want some water?" I asked him and he nodded slowly. I walked over to where the glass of water rested and picked it up before walking back to Parker and handing it to him. He grabbed the glass and gulped it down. I look over at the doctor who seems to be analyzing his every move and I also noticed that Meg and Madds went outside.

I direct my attention back to Parker who looks like he is struggling to say something. The doctor walks forward with a frown and observes Parker.

"Parker. Can you speak?" the doctor asked him and Parker shook his head. HE CANT SPEAK?! OH MY GOD. My heart swells in worry and I look at the doctor hoping she could fix this.

"Why can't he speak?" I ask and she shushs me before turning back to Parker. Well then.

"What is your last name?" the doctor asks and hands him a pen and paper from the clipboard she was holding. This is it. This is the moment of truth. To see whether or not he lost his memory. Oh god I think I'm gonna pass out if the last name on that paper is not right. He hands the paper back to the doctor after he scribbled something across it.

"Maxwell" she reads and nods. I feel my whole body relax. Thank god!

"So, why cant he talk?" I ask her impatiently and she has the nerve to shush me yet again. Bitch.

"Open up" she says and flashes a light in Parker's throat as she inspects it. Then she takes off her gloves and disposes of them before putting away the light.

"Are you gonna answer me or not?" I purse my lips and she discreetly rolls her eyes.

"Many things could have caused it. The reaction of having silver in his body, being in a coma, the hit to his head. But it looks like his larynx and area around the voice box has become irritated, inflamed and swollen. Its not that serious, his voice should be back in a week or so." she explains while Parker and I listen very attentively

"Ok. So...when can he be discharged?" I ask and Parker looks at the doctor awaiting her response

"Well, since he is a werewolf, he should be fine now that he's awake. I still have to do some tests but I think he'll be able to go home tomorrow.

"Really?!" I yelled. I expected her to say a week.

"Um, yeah" she smiles at me and I grin at Parker

"I'll give you two some privacy" the doctor said and briskly walked out the room

"I'm so happy you're awake. You have no idea how scared and worried I was" I said to Parker, walking closer to hold his hand. I'm so lucky to be talking to an open pair of eyes instead of closed ones. Parker just looked at me and brought my hand to his lips. The burning sensation that happens everytime he touches me still amazes me.

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