Chapter 14: Curiosity Killed the Cat

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I felt so bad for jumping to conclusions. He really needed someone to be there for him right now.

"I'll be back" I announced to my mom and dad and ran out the door in search for Ryan. There was no one in the hallway.

"Ryan?!" I called out but no reply came. Where the hell is he?

"Avery? What are you doing?" someone asked and I spun around but, it wasn't Ryan. It was Nathan.

"I'm looking for Ryan. Have you seen him?" I asked

"Ryan? I thought you guys said that he's an ass" Nate smirked and I rolled my eyes

"Well things can change" I replied

"Whatever. Anyways, no. I haven't seen him but, I'm sure you'll find him later, though" Nate shrugged and I nodded

"Yeah, I'm sure" I reassured myself

- Ryan's POV -

I like running. I like running in my wolf form. The wind blowing through my reddish brown fur. The misty air cooling me down. I felt free. I was free from my nagging parents and my new judgemental sister. They just dont get it. They don't know how it feels to have your heart broken so badly that you don't want any love in your life. All my parents care about is the pack, I don't even know if they care about me. My needs. My wants. My desires. My life. My happiness.

I ran and ran until I approached the place where I would always end up whenever I went for a run. It was quiet. It was peaceful. I liked to think here. Let my thoughts go wild without anyone here to judge or criticize me. I ran over to the lake that was in the corner of my special place. Raising one of my paws, I put it in the cool water. SNAP!


I heard twigs snapping with my werewolf senses. Someone is here. I lifted my wolf head and scanned the area, my werewolf hearing still alert. I didn't hear anything else so I decided to take a risk and transform into my human form. I quickly shifted, ignoring the pain. I'm used to it by now.

"Is anyone there?!" I called


"SHOW YOURSELF!" I yelled after yet another twig snapped.

Then from behind a tree a man came out.

"Hello" the man said sinisterly.

'Leave! Now! This man is no good' my wolf Pete practically screamed at me

'I can handle it' I responded and I looked at the man.

He looked like he was in his late thirties but from the way he smelt, I could tell that he wasn't in my pack. He was probably a rogue.

"Rouge! What are you doing, trespassing on my territory?!" I sneered

"Sorry, but I'm not a rogue. I came to see you" the man calmly replied

Me? Well, this bad vibe is not easing up at all

.- Avery's POV -

"Hey, have you seen Ryan?" I asked Meghan

"No. Why would I want to see his ugly face?" Meg said looking angry when I mentioned Ryan

"I'm just asking. Oh, and please be nice to him. Give him a chance, I'm sure, he's not as bad as you think" I smiled and left Meg in her room when she started to develop into her thinking face.

Ryan's been gone for many hours by now and I can't help but have a bad feeling. I needed to find him but everyone keeps telling me that he'll come back on his own time. Maybe they're right. When he comes back I'll talk to him. In the meantime I should do something find out more about Ryan's past lover. What? I'm a curious person. I ran up the stairs until I came up to the door that I was in search for. After I knocked three times, the person I was looking for opened the door.

"Jenna? I need your help with something"

(AN: Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes! I hope you enjoyed! Please try to vote or comment, I'd appreciate it!

-xoxoxo purplebunnies106 ♥♥)

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