Chapter 2: Lindsay the Leech

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“PARKER!” I yelled angrily at the top of my lungs as I stepped into my house. Since Parker dropped me off to school, one would only expect he would pick me up right? But no! He didn't. But that’s not why I’m really mad. Why I’m really mad is that, while I was walking home in the blazing heat a car, not just any car, PARKER’S CAR drove past me, running over a mud puddle, therefore covering me in mud. And guess who was driving the car. LINDSAY!

“I swear when I get my hands on that girl-” I grumble taking off my muddy shoes but I was interrupted by a nasally voice.

“Talking about me?” she said and I looked up to see that she had a smirk on her face with blazing green eyes. Man, just how much I wanted to smack that smirk of her face.

“Jeez, what happened to you?” a new voice intervened

“Why don't you ask your girlfriend” I snapped and picked up my mud covered book bag. Lindsay flipped her long blonde hair and turned to face Parker.

“What? I didn't do anything!” she said innocently and Parker frowned

“Avery?” he questioned and I rolled my eyes

“I’m leaving” I announced because I couldn't stand to see Parker fall for her evil tricks. I pulled off all my mud covered clothes and took a long, warm, and nice bath. After that I started my math homework. Most of the time we didn't get any homework because all of our teachers were werewolfs and knew we had better things to do with our lives. All my teachers were werewolves, except for of course Mr. Pusey. He always gave fucking homework and it was really annoying at times.




3 hours filled with math problems were finally over and I creeped downstairs. Parker was sitting on the couch, eating popcorn and watching a movie.

“Is the leech gone?” I question and stole some popcorn from him

“Leech?” he said confused and then glared at me when he saw I took some of his popcorn

“Yeah, Lindsay the leech. And sharing is caring!” I explained and then said the second sentence when he swatted my hand away from the popcorn bowl.

“Why would you call her that?” he asked curiously

“Cause she is one” I deadpanned and he chuckled

“Yeah” he said and I furrowed my eyebrows

“Yeah, what?” I said confuzzled

“Yeah, she’s gone” he replied and turned his attention back to the TV.

“Good” I said and took some more popcorn while he laughed

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