Chapter 26: Kill Me Now

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- Avery's POV -

"Woah. Woah. Woah. What did I miss here?" Meg says as she stares strictly at Parker and I's intertwined hands

"Yeah, I'm confused too. Are you guys together?" Madds said continuing her sister's thoughts. I looked over at Parker who smirked at me before responding.

"She couldn't resist me" he said and Jenna snorted

"Right" she said sarcastically and Parker rolled his eyes.

Um, since you might be a little confused, let me enlighten you what has happened during this past week. Ever since Parker and I exchanged 'I love yous' things have been a bit weird. We decided that we wouldn't care what the people who formerly thought we were siblings thinks about us being together. Yeah....we also decided that we should be together, as in a couple. We didnt do anything differently than we normally would do beside a few kisses and hand holding here and there. We tried to avoid all of our friend as long as possible because we knew we would probably be bombarded with questions as we were now.

We actually managed to avoid them for a week or so but now we were caught. Oh and I forgot to mention that Parker got his voice back yesterday. I can't describe how it felt when he actually said 'I love you' to me. I have to say, it was a great feeling in writing but hearing it out loud was even better.

"Earth to Avery" Parker said bringing me out of my thoughts

"Oh sorry." I smiled up at him and got lost in his warm light brown eyes.

"Ahem...uh...ahem" a sudden hacking brought me out of my trance

"Oh sorry....again. But to answer you question. Yes, we're finally together" I smile and tried to ingnored the shocks that spread through my arm as Parker squeezed my hand gently.

"Finally!" Madds squealed and ran over to Parker and I, giving me a hug.

"I knew it would happen" Meg smirked as she hugged me

"And if you hurt Avery, I won't hesitate to cut off your balls" Meg smiled evilly at Parker

"Ryan, control your girlfriend" Parker yelled and came closer to me

"I'm not his girlfriend" Meg said while at the same time Ryan said

"She's not my girlfriend"

I knew they weren't together but from the way Meg was blushing and Ryan looked flustered, I could tell something had happened.

"Um, Meg can I talk to you for a second" I asked and she nodded. Since I knew that if we talked while in this room, everyone would be able to hear us because of their werewolf abilities so, I stepped outside the room with Meg.

Her eyes were darting everywhere but me. I opened my mouth to start interrogating her but she beat me to it.

"So....Jenna's shirt is really nice don't you think?" Meg said wringing her hands

"Yes but-" I said but she cut me off

"Oh and do you believe Madds and Alex are together already? If only all relationships could be like theirs" Well, I didn't know that but now I do. I have to be sure to talk to her later.

"Oh thats great but-" I started but was interrupted once again

"So did you and Parker-" she started but this time I stopped her

"Shut it!" I yelled and she quieted down

"Anyways...what's going on with you and Ryan?" I asked my voice softer than before

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