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Mitch's POV

Running into the house after Sky to make sure she's okay because she ran in like a lighten bolt with an blink she was gone, ending up in what looks like the living room stopping to listen then hearing laughing coming from a room upstairs causing me frown in confusion.

Running up the stair case and running into the room where all the laughing was coming from the room, next thing i saw was all of them in one room laughing at what looks like one of the twins girls and one of them looked scared and the other was laughing at her rolling on the floor holding her stomach whilst the rest of them were laughing looking at what she screams at was a mountain lion...

'How the hell did that get in here'

Looking around the room trying to find the one person that i wanted and also the one who i was here for, but she wasn't here frowning still looking round to notice that the laughing has stopped and all the boys were staring at me....

"What the hell are you doing here?" the oldest one shouted at me, i was shocked that he dared talking to me like that either me or my wolf liked hes tone i had to block my wolf from coming out because he wanted to rip hes throat out for speaking to him like that.

Either of us wouldn't of done that because it was our mates brother looking right at him making sure he knows that i wasn't scared and he should back down otherwise hes going to get hurt, eventually he did i could feel a smirk developing at the corner of my mouth knowing that he backed down.

'Smart boy' i heard my wolf snort amused about the boy in front of us backing down so easily.

"If you must know why i am here then i was with Skylar, as she is my mate after all, she heard screaming and ran in here well that's what i thought any way." looking around the room once again.  

Making sure i didn't miss anything and then goes to look back at him, too see hes eyes as her brother eyes darken i know they must be protective of her and the others are too but its not like I'm going to hurt my own mate is it?

"Oh so she's your mate now?" snarling at me in distaste.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" my wolf pushed through asking to be let out but i controlled him for Skylar's sake.

"Well maybe you should scrub yourself better to get those girls you slept with off your scent" i couldn't help but blush knowing that it wasn't only Sky that knew about me sleeping around with other girls.

"It's different now." i growled at him through my teeth, but that was the only thing i could say because it was true..

"Well that doesn't mean you can walk around here like you own the place is it ?" hes growled out the words once again i was shocked never once have i been treated this way thinking to myself.

'God hes really starting to get on my own nerves'

Feeling like i was losing control of my wolf that was until a voice came from behind me, i quickly turned around and when i did she gave me a small smile before trying to calm her brother down with a glare of her own which worked as he backed down faster than he did when i gave him a look.

"Daniel... its alright" saying whilst her voice quiet, it sounded like she was ill i wonder what was wrong with her, to think about it she does look a lot paler and her eyes have gotten darker maybe she is ill, how did i not notice this before?

"Sky do you want me to throw him out of the house?" Daniel asked my mate but looked at me scared for a moment but he looked like he was scared for me but it wasn't from him or hes brothers it is from her he thought she would do something to me.

Forever As The Hybrid #Book 1Where stories live. Discover now