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I woke up from the best sleep I'd had in a long time. I felt safe for the first time in forever. That is until I realized Kristen wasn't asleep next to me.

I jumped off the couch and dashed down the stairs into the cafe. The worry shed from my body as I saw her pouring hot chocolate into a little girls mug.

The girl was there with who I suppose to be her father. They look a like. Actually, they both look like Kristen.

Kristen sees me and her eyes go wide and waves me off. Did I do something wrong?

I go bed hind the cash and make myself a coffee. Kristen now serving other customers. The man she was serving before comes up to me.

"Um what are you doing?" He questions me.

"Huh what does it look like" I retort.

"You have to be served Mr. You can't just walk up and take what you want!" He's obviously pretty mad.

Kristen comes up to us. "Harry! Dad! I see you're now acquainted!"

"Who is this guy, Kris?" I let the conversation go to them.

"My new employee" she smiles. Her father doesn't seem pleased at all.
"And... New roommate."

"Let's go Erin!" And with that, Kristen's dad takes his youngest daughters hand and leaves. Well than, someone's grumpy in the morning.

Kristen gives me the most disgruntled look I've ever seen before going to bus another table. If looks could kill, that glare she just gave me would have.

* * *

Kristen's quiet for the rest of the day. It doesn't seem like she has a good relationship with her dad. That little argument this morning must have drained her liveliness.

We work all day and when night times rolls around I take the shift. We only stay open till 1:00am so it's not that bad.

As per usual, the night is slow. I do the normal leaning and inventory and make a couple drinks for the late night caffeine addicts of Montreal.

Even by midnight there's still a light buzz in the city. People still roam the streets and the city is still awake.

It seems everything goes wrong at some point of the night shift. Zayn wakes in the cafe.

We kind of just stare at each other for a while. Zayn had been one of my best friends before I got in shit.

"Hey man" is all I manage to say.

"I heard you got a job here, I went to your apartment but new people were there."

"I got evicted. I live somewhere else now. Look man...." I'm cut of. Is it just a thing for people to not let me finish exclaiming my thoughts.

"Don't. I shouldn't have left you, you were my best friend and it was wrong of me to throw you under the bus." He takes a second. "I'm sorry man"

"Me too." My throat is tight but I can feel the air start to pass through my lungs again.

"Whip cream?!" I say as I funnily pull the can from the mini fridge under the cash while giving him my best perverted smile.😂

I close the shop early and we end up catching up till we both fall asleep right there on the table. I got Louis back a week ago. I got Zayn back today. I finally have them back in my life. I missed them.


Author's note

IM SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT!! It's kind of a filler. I promise the next chapter will be longer and better! All the love, A ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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