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I don't know what to do with myself. Reid just threatened to hurt Kristen. I can't get it through my head without feeling like I'm going to puke.

I blow out the candles I set around the room and leave a note to Kristen saying I went to bed. I lost all of my appetite.

I toss and turn in my bed. My mind is thinking of every possible awful situation Kristen could be put. I don't want her in harms way. How is it even possible for me to fuck up a girl's life when I barely know her?!

I feel deflated. I feel like Reid's taken all the air away from me. But in doing so, he's taking it away from everyone else too.

I did some pretty bad stuff with him. And I proved myself unloyal in the end. It wasn't that I wanted to screw him over. I just wasn't being myself and changing myself back to the man I was mean't to be came with consequences.

I'm not a bad guy. I'm a guy that exposed himself to all the wrong things. I guess it's true that your actions will come back to bite you.

I give up on trying to sleep and decide to take a walk. Clear my head a little.

I'm exhausted but not in the tired kind of way. I'm exhausted in the done with everything kind of way.

As I'm slipping on my boots, Kris comes upstairs.

"Where are you going? I just closed shop. Maybe we can do something... maybe watch a movie" she suggests.

" I'm not really down..." I'm cut off before I can finish.

"Did you set all this up?" She walks into the living area. "You made a pizza!"


"And you set up candles and everything! You can't leave, you have to devour this monster of a pizza pie with me!!" She's so happy.

Her smile is uplifting. I take off my shoes and grab a lighter. I relight all the candles and reheat up the pizza in the pizza in the oven for a second while she chooses a movie.

"Don't worry, I'm not into the sappy chick flicks" she tells me. I chuckle at her comment.

She settles on a classic. Iron man. Yes iron man is a classic!

* * *

The movie's half over and we've eaten all the pizza. I guess I didn't loose my appetite after all.

Kristen and I are separated by the pizza pan that sits between us on the couch. At least until she decides to move it onto the table.

I was kind of confused with why she moved it until she scooted closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

Her hair smelt like vanilla and coffee beans. I put my arm around her and pulled her a little closer.

Unknowingly, I started to rub my thumb on her arm. She nuzzled into me.

Damn this girl was cute! She was already close to me, but I wanted her closer.

I was debating on whether to break the silence when she did it for me. "Harry?"


"Are you tired?" She asked me.

"Never been more awake" I honestly replied. Holding her like this gave me this electricity. I was high on her presence.

"Me too" she says while yawning. Obviously she's tired and just not admitting to it. It's childish yet adorable.

I reach over and grab her hand. It's soft and delicate. Unlike mine, hers is smooth. I almost don't want her to see my callused and rough hands.

I gently trace like circles in her palm before raising her hand to my lips. She turns to look at me.

She laces our fingers together and smiles and me. Oh lord her smile!

I'm the dim light of the TV and the candles, the brown in her eyes is so warm. I can see the flicker of the flames in her eyes. Even thought I know it's just the candle reflection, I know she has her own twinkle in her eye. She has an internal flame.

I kiss her. Not intensely. I just kiss her. It's not the full on tongue type of kiss but it's passionate in the way that in means something.

Gradually, are lips start to move in sync.

She sits up straighter and moves onto my lap. I caress her cheek with one hand and pull her closer with the other.

Our kiss becomes stronger as we go. She moves her hips a little just to tease me. Jesus.

I hope she's wide away now.

We continue until we both tire. The movie is long over now. We lay together on the couch until she's asleep. I get up and blow the candles out. I wonder if I should go back to my room.

Instead, I get a pillow and some blankets and snuggle up with Kristen.

For a change my mind is clear. More at peace than clear actually. It's like Kristen's touch relieved me of my worries.

Relief is addicting. They say you have to do something four times before you get addicted to them. In my case, I only needed to kiss her once.


Author's note

I have cool stuff planned for the next chapters!! Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE!!! Also I'm down to read some of your stories so if you comment/dm/follow I'll be creeping on some of yousss!! All the love my beauties!


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