Day 36: Important Conversations Are Always Interupted

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                                                              I just wanna, I just wanna know,

                                                         If you're gonna, if you're gonna stay.

Start Destination: Madrid, Spain

End Destination: Madrid, Spain

Via: Barclaycard Centre

9:37AM (GMT) / 10:37AM (Local Time)

When I wake up the room is strangely quiet. It surprises me because usually at least one of us is up by this point but I am not truly weirded out until I see that I am the only person in the room.

At first I feel a little bit hurt, because where have Elise and Rosie wandered off without me? Are they trying to tell me something? But then I check my phone and rather than feeling hurt I feel slightly like slapping them both and slightly like giving them massive hugs for being so understanding. Perhaps I'll settle for both.

Elise: We've gone out for a wander, we're going clothes shopping so you definitely don't want to come with! We thought you and Levi could maybe spend the morning together ;) do whatever the hell you two want. (Although Rosie says remember that other people have to sleep in those beds)

Elise: Not that that stopped you before ;) ;)

I try to hide the smile that is appearing on my face. Because it would be so easy to be mad at them for this, for them leaving me behind or them assuming that I want to spend a morning with Levi but instead I'm just happy that they're not pissed at me for potentially ruining this trip, that they understand that whatever happened between Levi and I is definitely unfinished.

I quickly grab some clothes and pull them on before I leave. At first I plan on wearing the first few things I grab but then I realise that they don't actually match and go back to choose an outfit properly. I give myself a once over in the mirror to make sure I look okay before nodding at my reflection and heading out the door.

Walking towards his door I try to prepare what I'm going to say.

'Hey Levi, your sister says we can hang out but not have sex.' It doesn't really seem like a great conversation starter. Neither does 'Hey Levi I think you're cute but you're still sort of getting over your ex-girlfriend and so I don't really want to make a move just yet in case you get pissed at me again."

I knock three times slowly and then quickly add a fourth, just in case he happened not to hear me the first few times. I'm then left to wait patiently in the hopes that Levi is at least up by now, if not, this morning is going to be a lot less fun than Elise and Rosie anticipated. Or what if he doesn't hear me, or already has other plans? There seems to be so many things that can go wrong.

Suddenly the door is pulled open to reveal Levi standing in nothing more than a pair of boxers and I have to stop myself from letting my eyes leave his face. Because I know that the moment I look downwards Levi will notice, and the teasing that follow will no doubt be unbearable. My cheeks start to heat just thinking about what Levi would say if he noticed me checking him out.

"Jess," Levi says when he sees me, "it's okay you know."

"What is?"

"You're allowed to check me out."

"Who says I wanted to?"

"I know you too well remember, so just check me out and get it over and done with."

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