chapter 25

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I've been in the hospital for the past three days and today is the day I get to go home.
I was sat on the hospital bed and was looking around the room waiting for my dad to pick me up.
I smiled down at my attire, I was back to normal, my jeans and my Led Zeppelin band t shirt.
I was finally able to go home and just rest.
my dad walked in and we went out to the car, this time he drove which weirded me out because usually he'd have a driver but I shrugged it off and looked out the window seeing the fimiliar streets to my house.
I'm so excited that I'm finally going home.

We reached home 45 minutes later and as we were walking through the door and entered the house there was a thunderstorm of voices which all yelled in unison 'Suprise', I wasn't stunned at all but I had to but up a facade of shock and happiness just to make them all see that I was ok, I was... happy, but the thing is will I ever be happy?

I smiled, I knew it was a fake smile but they didn't.

Each and every one hugged me and said that their happy for that I'm home and all those other kinds of bullshit, I just smiled and nodded sometimes throwing in a 'yes' or a 'I missed you too' but truly I wasn't happy, I was afraid it might of happened again and what if it did where would I be or go and who would save...
The Richards were here including Elijah, he hugged me just so no one would become suspicious and after that he stayed away because I knew that if he'd come closer to me, I would just scream at him or reveal what he has done to me but would anyone believe me, they'd think I was just hallucinating or something but what if they'd believe what would happen to Elijah?

All through the night I held the facade I showed everyone and that was the fake me the one who seems as if the world could never break her but they don't know that I'm already broken.

we were sat down when I decided that tomorrow would be my first day back at school so why not use it as an excuse to say that I need the rest so that I fresh and ready for school tomorrow.

"Umm... hey guys I think I should be getting to be, Y'know so that tomorrow I'm ready to enter school fresh and happy with a smile on my face" I said with fake enthusiasm.
They all smiled and agreed as the Richards decided that it was time too for them to go and that they'd had to put Lamis to bed before she's groggy in the morning and that I should visit sometime because they miss their babysitter.
I laughed at their comment but agreed anyway.
I walked up to my room and looked around, it was different it wasn't untidy, it wasn't messed with book sprawled everywhere, and all I could see in this room was as if I were a guest in my own home, fake smiles and the need for them to check up on me every agonizing minute of every ludicrous day.
It kinf of sucked...


when I woke up I was exhausted, last night I had no sleep at all, 1. because I was afraid Ashton would come after me... again, and 2. I was thinking about all the rumours that are already said about me but hey i don't actually care... ok maybe just a little bit.
But why should I care but I do and it's just so difficult but you know what they say, you have to face your fears someday.

I stood up and dressed in my normal get up which consisted of black, black and oh... more black.

I'm an introvert, plain and simple, I don't like attention, I don't like people and I'd rather stick to my music than socialize.

Walking down the stairs and straight to our gate, I felt like I just needed a walk today, a walk to clear my head so that I can prepare myself for school or 'the place full of fake bitch and followers'.

I walked and walked and then reached hell which I wasn't ready for, I wasn't ready for the stares, I wasn't ready for the judgement and I was definitely not ready for the sympathy.
I took a deep breath and slid my earphones out my ears and then I pushed the doors open and as if it were all planned everyone became dead silent.
Keeping my head down and continued to walk trying to block the stairs and whispers.
It felt as if it were taking years to just walk as everyone stared and just as I was about to make it to my locker something came into the path of where I was walking making me fall as I was preparing for face plant, I shut my eyes tightly and dropped my book to cover my face so that it doesn't hurt as much.

I waited for the fall to come until realization came to mind and I realized that there was someone holding me making me stop from feeling the pain and that that someone turned me around making me face them.

Looking up and saw that it was none other than Elijah. William. Richards holding when I felt heat rush to my face when I realized that I was holding him for dear life.

"I see you falling for me again" he smirked, that simple gesture made my stomach do back flips.

I snorted "sorry, but I don't make the same mistake twice" and I walked away, there were countless 'oohs' and 'burrrnn' making me smirk while I walked over to my locker and pulled out my books for first period, art.

maybe today won't be so bad after all I thought.

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