chapter 6

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There and then was where I realized that we would have kissed but then at the same time why would he?

1. He is going on a date

And 2. just then when we were in the so called 'moment' ...

His PHONE rang.

We looked away he went up to his phone while I went up to his door ready to leave that awkward moment.

"Wait" he whispered.

I looked up to see him looking at me with a face that said 'don't leave I need you' I wonder what happened?.

He ended his call with a frustrated sigh and an annoyed look.

"What's the matter?" I questioned

"She said she can't make it, I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS !" He yelled annoyance evident in voice.

"Hey" I said in a soothing voice "don't worry, it's fine you have more time to do work and...umm...stuff" I said.

He smiled down at me but not just a smile those contagious ones that you can't help but smile.

He kept smiling and it was starting to freak me out.

"What?" I questioned suspicious.

"Well..." he began and continued to walk towards me. "Will you do the honors of joining me to the fair strictly friends?" He asked.

My heart fell 'strictly friends'

I have to stay strong. Even though that love at first sight it making me go crazy and it's making me believe it more and more.

"Okay that will be fun" I said with fake excitement, i didn't want to let him down" let me go change give me 5 minutes" I said and I was out his house.

I knew what I was going to wear if he wants it strictly friends then it will be strictly friends.


5 minutes later and I was done throwing on the most unflattering thing that complimented nothing on my body ( pic to the side) and I was out my door to see Eli Standing outside by his car. I walked up to him.

"Ready?" He asked.

I noded.

He went over to his side and slid in, SERIOUSLY! ! ! like he didn't even open the door.

I sat in the passenger side slamming the door shut and didn't say a word the whole way to the fair. I know I'm being selfish and inconsiderate, yeah he just got date dumped and they hadn't known each other for a while but why does he have an effect on me, I. WILL. NOT. LET. IT. HAPPEN. EVER. AGAIN...

Last time maybe but never will I let my guard slip again...

"Hey..." he smiled "we're here." He said.

"Oh"  i said not waiting for a response and jumping out the car.

We both walked in silence to the entrance of the fair when we were inside we were fighting on who should pay the tickets after all its 'Not A Date' but then he paid because it's ' The Gentleman Like Thing To Do'. Gentleman like thing to do my ass.

"So..." he trailed off I could actually feel the awkwardness radiating off of him "What do you want to go on first?" He asked.

"Hmm..." I acted as if I was thinking " the roller-coaster of doom" I stated.

"His body went rigid a smirk grew on my face.

"Are you afraid?" I asked

"Umm...uh...what? No!" He said. Men and their stupid pride.

I rolled my eyes.

"Everyone has a fear Elijah, I do to and it's fine we can go on something else." I said softly.

"No I said I'm not afraid" he said puffing his chest out.

"There's something on your forehead" I pointed, he lifted his hand to see what it is "it's has something written on it" I smirked .

"What does it say?" He asked.

" It's spelt, T-O-O  M-U-C-H P-R-I-D-E " I said

"Seriously Brook 'Too Much Pride'" he stated

"Well then at least you know what you made of " I simply shrugged.

"Can we just go?" He questioned

I shrugged.

We went to straight to the line and you could see by the few people in line others were afraid. I could see Elijah's body shake a little. While mine was full of excitement.

We were in the front of the line and now I got worried.

"Hey" I called, he looked at me "you sure you want to go on the roller-coaster?" I asked

"Yeah" he said sternly and grabbed my arm pulling us to the kart in The front.

The ride started and I felt a grip on my hand, I looked to see Elijah his body shaking and his eyes wide, I smiled.

It starred slowly going up.

The sound while going up made things feel slower.

It felt as if time was taking longer.

We reached the top and he held my hand tighter.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here" I said. He looked at me swiftly but the roller-coaster continued to do whatever it does.

We went up, down. Twirling around. Going up side down it was exhilarating. When the ride finished, Elijah's face was hysterical. I laughed so much, I laughed as we jumped out the kart, I laughed when we left the ride, I laughed as we got to the middle of everything, I laughed until he gave me a 'stop laughing at me or I'll shoot you in the leg' kind of look that made me stop and I don't know where he got shoot me in the leg, he just did. I raised my hands in surrender, he smirked in Victory.

"What do you want to do next? " He asked
I didn't care about who saw I ran to the cotton candy stand and asked for some I offered to pay yet again but he already paid for it while I was admiring the cotton candy.
we sat down at a bench and while I sat and ate my Cotton candy, he pointed his finger in the opposite direction. when I looked and seen nothing I turned to ask him but saw my candy floss gone.
I looked to see that he just put the last piece in his mouth.

"NOOOO! !" I cried out.
"Yess! " he mocked.  

I got up and walked away while I vent my anger and sadness out.
something or 'someone' grabbed my arm.
"What? " I snapped.
"I'm sorry " he said giving me a puppy dog look.
"Why don't you take your sorry ass and get me more cotton candy. " I said angrily.
"or we could go on the ferris wheel" he reasoned.
"ok" I said with a pout but smiled when we reached the ferris wheel.
it was cute and two at a time.
it might seem romantic and all but I don't think we'd ever kiss because we are just friends.
we sat down as the line wasn't that long and just started to talk random things.
"What do you want to do when you become older" he asked after our comfortable silence.
"Well, I've not decided but I do want to become something in the forensics department and you?" I asked

"Well there's a few like aerospace engineering, marine biologist or a wildlife biologist." he said

"Wow, those are magnificent careers and to think I thought you were dumb" I said and started to laugh

"hey" he said fake hurt.
we laughed and laughed until the ride stopped on the top.

"isn't the world just amazing" I said as I looked through the thousands of stars up above.

"it is" he said.
we looked into each others eyes so passionately, it felt as if time stopped.
he moved closer, I don't know why but I moved closer too.
there and then was the most cliché thing that ever happened in my life but it felt nice.
our lips were centimeters away until...

Cliffhanger... dun... dun... duuuuun...


             Love you lots....

The Not So Typical Badboy and Good girl Lovestory #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now