chapter 2

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Death. It's so simple... so easy yet life is so difficult and so cruel but still we want to live why? Because life is something we all want yet death is something we all need.
It Monday today, two days ago I gave my family the shock of their lives, I finally opened up and it felt good and at the same time bad.
It feels different today so bizarre... so peculiar, it's not at all predicted, it's so queer.

As my usual routine before school always begin with getting up at five and taking a shower and then changing into something and read until 7:15 so I can leave for school but I was called down at 6:30 when I was reading a book but it was weird because 1. No one in this house talks to me and 2. It was my dad who called me.

When I reached the last step and entered the kitchen my whole family was there- My dad, twin,  Adam, Jose, Alana and Adams wife Sara- all of them, they looked torn.

"Yes?" I asked unsure what to say to them.

"Brooklyn so...I wanted to talk...umm.... we all wanted to talk to you...about...about saturdays outburst..." my father began but as I looked at his face he looked as if he cried all night they all did...

"What dad was trying to say" Adam cut in "were sorry ok... we didn't realize that we done that to you-" he started but I cut him off.

"Are you kidding me how have you not 'realized' it took you two days to speak to me and all my life to 'realize' that you'd hurt me " I used air quotations around the word realize. "That you have stopped talking me, started avoiding me just because mom's death was my fault I understand that I was a brat a selfish child a...a murderer but I'm not that girl anymore because I know how it is to loose your mom and family at one time, become anti-social and even cry myself to sleep while I hear my family laugh and be happy while I was stuck looking after Alana since mom died" it was true I had go look after her because no one did, there were the maids that helped me with her during the day since I was in kindergarten but then I'd come home and would have to learn how to look after her because no one else could, her middle of the night cries for bottle and the thing was she couldn't sleep without me.

because dad was too busy, my twin won't even look at me, Josephine busy fucking some guy and Adam forever lost in his own world, but I still didn't mind because I love her, i love my baby sister I was five when i had to look after her 5,  i knew nothing but that I would do it all over again but-" I was cut off.

"Enough" Bradley yelled "do you know how difficult it is to look at you everyday, I'm your twin we have similarities between the two of us but when I... when we look at you all we see is mom and that slowly kills us, you have mom's eyes and I don't but I'm your twin, you have mom's smile, her laugh, the way she looks at her family with love, you have all of her plastered on you, Brook you're like mom in every possible way and it hurts to look at you and not feel hurt we love you we do but... but...-" I cut him off now

"But what?! What?! That by ignoring me by treating me as if I'm invisible by giving me filthy looks is going to help you feel better... because it won't and thats for sure you all ignored me all my life, why didn't I just commit suicide? Why it would have been so much easier? But I didn't because I knew mom wouldn't want me to have to do that and I would never leave Alana even though she hates me I don't care, I wouldn't leave all of you'll but now I don't think I can stand to look at you'll anymore" by know we all had tears in our eyes.

My dad got up to hug me but I stepped back.

"Don't" I whispered "I think it's time for me to go to..."

I said moving my hand up to stop my dad from hugging "just know one thing, I have been abandoned by you'll so don't try to make amends because it's useless. I've been living in a home which is filled with love but hatred towards me so just forget me like you usually do" and thats when I left.

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