chapter 22

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"What are you doing?" I questioned Ashton
why would he be so nice? I mean it's Ashton, he hates me and vice versa but what was he trying to do with me kidnap me and then what? I become his permanent slave... oh God!!!

"I-" he paused... he was at a loss of words for what?

"Ashton can I- can I ask you a question?" I asked

"you already did" he smiled a real smile a smile that made me smile, it wasn't a smirk, It wasn't a fake sarcastic smile a real smile the smile I've seen only once in my life

I gave him a blank look although I had a small smile on my lips

"ok" he said sincerely

I need to ask him this, the question that will decide m6 fate, if I'll ever see my family again, if I'll ever go to graduation, If I'll ever have a family...

a tear slipped down my cheek
"What are you going to do to me?" I asked

I was scared, afraid and I knew that he would do something to me.

"Ashton please I have no one anymore not even you nor Elijah am I going to here forever am I ever going to be set free?" I questioned

"Brooklyn, you will always, always be mine.... Mine" he said and stood leaving me alone and crying.

I'm never going to see my family again, he ruining me and everything I am and now I'm here and never going to leave.

I cried and cried, I cried for everything.
I cried for being alone, I cried that I'll never graduate, I cried for being so stupid but most of all I cried for ever trusting Elijah, for falling for him, for needing him.


I woke up and looked around, I was in another room, it  looked like I was in a cellar, I was cuffed between two wall my body on its knees.

I am such a mess, I sure looked like one and mentally I know I already am...
why did I have to ever be born? why did I have to me such a loser? I always look at myself and see ugly so now what does Ashton want from me? I'm just and ugly faget.

"Well now that you're awake" Ashton came out of the shadows.
my body felt lifeless and I knew that if I spoke I would just lose the little energy that I have left.

"now that you are awake, we are going to play a game" he said slowly stepping towards me.

I wonder what game? I know that the game will end up with me crying or passed out but doesn't he understand I've had enough, enough of him, enough of Elijah, enough of life....

"This game will be where if you don't answer my question you'll get Beaten and the more questions you don't answer the more the beating will increase" he explained "let's begin" he smiled evilly.

he looked sickly as if he came from a psychiatric hospital, he looked mad and would explode any second if something didn't go his way and I was his trigger.

my eyes were droopy and burned, I felt as if I were thrown down a missive building .

"Are you in love with me?" he asked. why was he asking such an absurd question? if I'm here as his slave or just a beating bag than why is he asking me a question like this?
was he stupid or something who would as someone that you've used only for money that kind of a question but I had to tell him the truth or I'll be beaten with a whip which I've only noticed now that was in his hands.

I shook my head.

"Did I or did I not say answer me?" he screamed
He meant that I was suppose to speak but I couldn't, I felt so weak so fragile that if I did speak my body would just collapse.

I felt a sting on the side of my stomach, I screamed in pain...

"now are we going to play this properly? " he asked
I nodded tears streaming down my face.

"I said are We Going To Play This Properly?!' he yelled

"Yes yes" I said scared, my body shaking from fear as the tears couldn't stop flowing.

"good" he smirked.

"Do you love Elijah?" he asked
why is he asking me a question like this I am shocked that he'd even care about my love life let alone me loving him why would he care...

I didn't know how to answer that question but to think of it I do love Elijah with all I have in me, I loved him for than I ever loved Ashton

"I see so you love him more?" he questioned
he looked mad and in both ways, mad as in sickly mad and mad as in angry mad, his body shook I didn't know I said that out loud I thought it was thinking it, he came closer to me and took terrefyingly slow steps toward, the whip held in his on hand while he lifted it slowly and then brought it down to the other hand.
when he close enough to me he lifted the whip as high as he could and....

cliffhanger. ............

hey hope you like this chapter, the cellar Brooklyn is in on the right.




      Love you lots ❤

Awesome_super_girl_ out ✌

The Not So Typical Badboy and Good girl Lovestory #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now