chapter 4

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                            's a word, just one word, a word with meaning and difficulty, struggle and pain but it's power and it's... it's... truth.

I walked away from the bastard.

I couldn't believe it that I was so vulnerable like seriously...

I was not even a step away when I felt a hand on my wrist.

"I'm sorry" he whispered.
He felt bad but what he said made me realize that he might be lying.

I pulled my hand away, not looking back.

Walking to class i feel a hand on my shoulder, I know it's Elijah.

"What!"  I practically yell at him

But that's the thing is, it wasn't Elijah it was my brother Bradley.

"Sorry I didn't mean to upset you" he said

I scoffed "Well it's too late for that now you've upset me all my life" I said

"Brooklyn why can't you just listen to us and forgive us?" He asked

" Hmm, let me think, oh i got it," i used fake enthusiasm" up until now you treated me like noting pushed me around, treated me like a stranger but you had no right to do yet you still did so don't ask why I can't forgive you because you sure as hell know why!! " I yelled But thanks to luck that's never on my side everyone turned to look at us.

"Shit" I mumbled

I walked away from my brother  my head down as I speed walk to class, all eyes on me.

I enter my algebra class and sit down in the corner back by the window where i see birds flying around... the winter sun hitting the freshly cut grass, oh how I wish I were there where all world troubles are gone and it's just you and the breaze, everything so serene but then that annoying sound that we all call the bell rings and my comfort and tranquil state was ruined.

The class started becoming full with people and whispers flew across the room about me  saying:

' isn't that Bradley's sister the one who had that outburst'

'Omg there's that freak of a girl'

'Like WTF is she such an attention seeking slut that she must scream like that'

'I bet she was trying to get a hold of Elijah'

But like always I ignore those comments and just wait for the teacher Mr. Daniel to enter but the thing about Mr. Daniel is that he is young and so that's the only reason why his class is always full because the girls think they have a chance, ha!

I heard the chair besides me screech, not bothered to see who it is I start to doodle in my  notebook where I start to print my name all over the page while Mr. Daniel continues with his lesson on transposing.

"Hey" someone called

People talk so loud these days like the hell.

"Hey" and people are deaf.

"Hey Brooklyn"

That's when I realize it was the douche next to me calling out my name.

"Yes?" I ask in a whisper

"I'm sorry... I truly am Brooklyn but your a nerd and I'm popular, I always have been and I-" he was still ranting when I stopped him.

"Elijah, I thought you were a nice guy, I really did but now that I see your true colors I know that you are a complete dick, what's between me and my family stays but you'd still go ahead and think bad about me" I said

The bell rang immediately after and then I was up and out not giving him a second glance.

One more year Brook, just one more year I kept telling myself like it'll ever work.

*** lunch***

It's lunch now and as usual I sit alone with everyone around me happy and like always me in my black clothes and don't give a what! Attitude I chill with my ear phones on playing only ~ by Chris Brown , Lil Wayne, Niki Minaj and Drake.

My feet on the table, my head bobbing to the music and an apple in my hand and then I feel an unexpected presence next to me. AGH! People again.

"What" I snap pulling my earphones out.

"Hey sis mind if my friends and I sit here?" My brother asks and that's when I realize other eyes fixated on me but it catches one in specific, Elijah's.

I nod as my answer to my brother.

"So Brooklyn this is Elijah but call him Eli, that's what everyone else does" my brother says.

"Hi" I wave

"Hey" he says too with a Slight wave.

"I'm going to the vending machine want anything?" I ask my brother as I see more people coming and also the slut and her clique. 

"Umm, a snikers" he says

I nod and walk off but then hear my name being called out.

"Can we talk Brook, please" he says.

I look up to see Elijah

"You have 5 minutes actually no i don't want to speak" I say.

"Come on please" he begged.

"Why it's not like you care, oh isn't bad for your reputation to talk to the girl murder" I said using fake shock.
He gave me a deadpanned look as if saying he is not going to leave me alone anytime soon.

"Fine 2 minutes" I said getting uncomfortable under his stare.

"Okay so hear it goes" he begins "I'm sorry okay, I realized that when I see you, I actually want to smile and when I see Marissa and her bimbos I just want to run away, i might have known for an hour or so but it feels like a lifetime please Brooklyn, I really need to see you smile again and that moody person and the girl that calls me 'Britain' can we please start over?" He begged. " I know that what Marissa said is true but I know it's not your fault ok, I was dumb and put under pressure because I wanted friends and I understand that this may seem like a joke because just a few hours ago I dissed you but I don't think so, please give me on chance, just one and I swear if I mess up you can act as if we had never met" he begged.




           Love you all...

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