Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 29

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 29

“Archer?” whispered Marian hopefully.

“I’m here Marian,” smiled Archer, relief washing over him – she sounded okay.

“I’ve taken a risk calling you but a lot of Lachlan’s men have been sent out. You have until 2.30 am to do what you need to do, and I’ve turned the alarms off.”

Archer nodded, mentally crossing the alarm problem off his list.

“Are you going to be alright Marian?” he asked worriedly. “May be I should get you out of there now.”

“No Archer, you and I both know it can’t happen – at least not yet. He’s got a plan and I fear many people will die if we don’t do something about it,” she whispered, her voice breaking slightly as she said it.

“I know, but its hard not to think about getting you out of there."

Marian changed the subject quickly, not wanting to dwell on the fact she would be stuck with Lachlan a while longer.

"Any other news?" she asked.

"We managed to get Lucas to give us a security card and tell us what the letters Lachlan is sending out said on them.”

Marian gasped.

“Tell me what it said.”

“Well he’s inviting people over to his house to stay and finalise his plans for the weapons shipment. Unfortunately, we don’t have a location of where it’s going to take place.”

“I’ll find out,” said Marian fiercely. “I’ll try see if I can spy on them.”

“Just be careful Marian,” said Archer quietly.

“You too,” replied Marian. “You’re breaking into Lachlan’s house tonight after all.”

“And I’ll kill him if he hurts you,” muttered Archer.

“No you won’t Archer. I’m going to be fine, honestly I am. You know what would happen if Lachlan were to be severely injured or killed. We can’t have everything blow up in our face. I think we’re closer than we think to solving this. We just have to be patient and trust our gut feeling – it’s the only thing we have left. The police haven’t batted an eyelash since Lachlan came.”

“We’ll take it up with the federal police then,” said Archer.

“Not yet,” said Marian, lowering her voice. “We have to be careful about who we tell. I don’t want Lachlan to find out someone’s leaked his plans to the police. It’ll only make it harder to catch him out.”

"That's true,” said Archer, seeing the sense in her words.

“I’ve got to go now, I’m having lunch and I don’t want Guy walking in on this conversation.”

“Take care of yourself Marian,” said Archer, trying not to let his voice break as he said those words.

He hated himself for the pain she had to take.

“I will Archer,” she said.

“I love you,” whispered Archer.

But all he got was the dial tone; she had already hung up before he had the chance to say it.


Lucas slipped the final envelop under the door of an expensive looking house, making sure it was sealed and did not look like it had been tampered with.

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