Chapter 30

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When we walked into the hospital, Allison was nowhere to be found. We searched everywhere, but couldn't find anyone we knew.

"Do you have anything of Allison's I could use to track her scent?" I reached in my purse, digging around until I found a pocket mirror she had given me. I handed it to Stiles, who sniffed it and quickly handed it back to me. "I got it, come on."

We ran through the hallways and Stiles stopped when we hit the door to the basement.

"She's down there. But I hear 3 heartbeats." I didn't know what that meant for us, but at this point we had to try. Stiles broke the door handle and we ran down the stairs, finding Allison roped up to a support beam.

Duct tape covered her mouth, and I saw her phone lying covered in blood just out of her reach. I ran to her, tearing the tape off of her mouth. She let out a deep breath, and I wondered how long she had been like this.

"Stiles? Is that you?" I whipped around to see Sheriff Stilinski and Mama McCall tied to either end of the bookshelf. Stiles leaped forward, but I grabbed him back when I heard the door open. Jackson slowly walked down the steps, causing unnecessary yet undeniable suspense. He flicked his hands down, and claws appeared. Stiles and I glanced at each other, turning back to Jackson when he glowed his eyes blue.

"How did you..."

"You know, I was wondering the same thing at first. I thought I was dead. It was actually Allison's father who shot me with a wolfsbane arrow, and once he was gone I resurrected as a werewolf." He circled around, coming between us and Allison. "So let's cut to the chase. Lydia over here killed our alpha."


"Since Drew and his twin Josh are now dead, the only way I can become an alpha is by killing you. I knew that you wouldn't budge without an ultimatum." He walked over to Allison, placing a claw on her cheek."First, I kill her. Next comes your father, then McCall. Every time you or Lydia try and stop me, one of them dies. Got it?" Stiles took a step forward and I held onto his arm, reminding him not to give in this easily. "Or maybe Lydia can go first."

"Jackson, don't do this." I pleaded.

"There can either be five deaths tonight, or one. Your choice."

"I choose one." At that, Stiles launched himself at Jackson, streaking his face with his claws. I ran to Allison, untying her ropes. I then moved on to Stilinski, and Allison got Melissa. Stiles was on top on Jackson, continuously tearing across his chest with his claws. I ran to him, placing a hand on his back.

"Stiles, calm down. You don't have to-" I began but was silenced when Jackson took advantage of the distraction, pushing Stiles off of him. He sat up, placing his claws at my neck. I took in a short quick breath, focusing all my strength on staying still.

"Last chance, Stilinski."

"Jackson, please, don't. You don't have to be an alpha." He squeezed my neck tighter, his claws close to breaking the skin. Stiles stood up, slowly making his way towards us.

"Don't touch her. Kill me, just don't, don't hurt her." He dug his claws deeper yet again, this time into my neck.

"Jackson, stop. Please." His claws disconnected from my neck, and I gasped for air. Jackson walked to the corner of the room, picking something up. He walked up to Stiles, placing the gun he had grabbed to his temple.

"This is just incase you decide not to stay dead." Jackson jammed his claws into Stiles' chest, and I screamed. Louder than ever before, more powerful. I grabbed Jackson, pulling him back off of Stiles. He tumbled back on top of me and I tried to shimmy out from beneath him. Allison and Melissa ran to Stiles' aid, but the Sheriff was nowhere to be seen. Jackson leaned in close to me, full on shifted.

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