Chapter 20-Lydia

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It felt like I was trapped. Trapped in my own mind, unable to wake. It reminded me of what Stiles described when my scream gave him power, but I didn't know what would give me any. I tried to move my limbs, somehow signal to him that I could hear him. I knew he was there. I gained enough strength to squeeze his hand, and it felt like my last ounce of power had been used. He said my name, over and over and over again. I could feel my heart stop, and I heard Stiles start screaming. I needed to push through, because I knew that he would go out of his mind if I died. I tried to jump start something, anything, even the smallest of things like a finger or a toe. I felt his connection being taken from mine as someone, probably Scott, ripped him away from me. The voices in my head were suddenly unmuted for the first time in days, and their whispers were seeping through my entire body. It was like my insides were screaming his name, gasping for air. He would never know that all I thought about in my last moment was him, and I knew I would never get a chance to tell him. The metaphorical power switch in my body was shut off, leaving me in darkness.

"I don't know what happened. She was dead, I mean, she still is dead, but she just grabbed the marker and wrote it on the wall. Listen, her heart isn't beating!"
"I believe you Stiles, but it's impossible. I'm sorry. Maybe it's just post-traumatic stress or something." Sheriff Stilinski stated, and I could feel him leave the room. Stiles sat down next to me on the bed, lying his head on my heart. I could feel his wet tears pouring into me like a faucet.
"I, I, I love.." he tried to say, but couldn't finish through his stuffiness. "I love you." And that was it. My anchor, in a way. I sat straight up on his bed, gasping for air. "LYDIA" he screamed, hugging me tightly. I was still breathing hard, trying to figure out how I would explain what just happened. I opened my eyes, finally seeing what they were talking about. In bold, red lettering was one single word written all over the wall in different ways: Stiles.

I backed away from him, stepping off the bed to look around.
"Did I....?"
"Yeah, you were dead. Cold as ice, heart stopped. You just got up and started writing it everywhere."
I took a good look around the room, and saw it had to be written hundreds of times.
"It was just like you said. I could feel all of my surroundings and I used my last bit of strength to squeeze your hand, let you know I could feel you. I was screaming your name as loud as I could. Well, at least mentally."
"And that's when you wrote my name. You couldn't speak it, but you could write it." I nodded.
"I wanted to let you know that, I, uh, thought I was dying. And in my last moment, I was thinking about you. And how I needed to hold on for you, the same way you held on for me. Stiles, I want you to know that-"
"Lydia?" Scott interrupted, running over and hugging me. "I thought you were dead!"
"Thanks, I guess?" All three of us laughed, as if this were nothing but a simple talk. After everything we had gone through in the last couple of months, this did seem particularly ordinary. Stiles looked over at me, hoping I would finish what I was saying, but I couldn't. Because if I did, it would be like a promise. It would be like making him a promise to keep him safe, and I couldn't really do that. He felt the same way about me, that he had no way to protect me, but at least he was wrong. I decided that instead of making a verbal promise, I would make an internal one. No longer would I let him get hurt to save me, even if it meant sacrificing my own life. But for now, we just had to worry about school tomorrow.

Sorry that chapter was kind of boring, things will get better very soon :)

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