Chapter 15

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"Stiles." I began, not sure what to say. "Just listen to my voice, Scott will take care of the alpha"

"But I need to protect you. This is the only way I can make you safe. When I'm just good old Stiles, I can't save you. I can't even save myself." He finally spoke. His voice was deeper, and it almost sounded as if he were talking in a growl. I didn't know why my voice wasn't bringing him back, and I remembered Scott saying that when Allison touched him he came back. I was still holding onto him as tight as I could, but it felt like his pulse was only rising. He was almost out of the bathroom, and I needed to think fast. I tugged on his arm, pulling him back so he fell right in front of me. He was trying to turn back around, trying to get away from me. I held his jaw in my hand, forcing him look at me. He was breathing hard and fast, and I knew the alpha could hear us. I tightened my grip on his jaw and pulled him into me, our lips colliding. I could feel the tension in his body release as he gave in, putting his hand in my hair. His lips were soft and tender, which was the complete opposite of Jackson's aggressiveness. I liked this better. He pushed me back into the sink, forgetting about everything but this moment. I could have sat there forever, but he pulled away when we heard the front door slam open. He stared at me for a long time, and I saw that the claws and the fangs had faded. I did it. He grabbed my hand, pulling me up from my position on the floor. He went to exit the room, still holding onto me, but stopped and turned around to look at me once more.
"Why did you do that," he asked, his brown eyes sparkling in the light of the full moon. Before I got a chance to answer, I heard a large bang on the wall and we both ran out to investigate. Scott was pounding Josh against my wall, and a small shriek poured out of me. There was a huge hole in the wall, and a lamp was shattered on the floor. Stiles squeezed my hand, pulling me back.
"My mom is going to kill me!" I said to Stiles.
"Well, that is if he doesn't kill us first." I glared over at him, not finding this funny. "Kidding, Lydia. I'm kidding, it's a joke you know, like uh.....okay I'll stop talking now."
"Don't. Ever. Touch my friends. Ever." I heard Scott threaten Josh, inching his far closer and closer to his. It was in the same sort of tone that Stiles had used earlier, almost like a speaking growl. Scott grabbed Josh by the shirt and lifted him from the wall, only to throw him down on the hardwood floor. His fist make contact with Josh's face several times, leaving his face bloodied to a pulp. Scott's eyes shone red, as if he were challenging the other alpha. When Josh didn't fight back, Scott stood himself up and howled, signaling his location to Derek and the others. Scott's howl seemed to weaken Josh, who galloped out of the house while Scott wasn't looking. When he realized he had gotten away, he let out a large sigh of relief as Stiles walked over and patted his back.
"Come on, Scott. Calm down. He didn't hurt anyone, he was-"
"He bit you! I'm pretty sure that counts as hurting someone. And he could've killed you or Lydia just now, or made you kill Lydia, or-"
"What? Why would you think-" Stiles started before trailing off and looking my way. "Did I try to-"
"No." I saw the look on his face, and it made me want to hug him forever, constantly reminding him that it wasn't his fault. He was so scared that he had hurt me, or that he was going to. I closed my eyes and turned away, unable to watch his sad eyes any longer.
"Scott, how did you-"
"Lydia, she warned us." Scott replied.
"Lydia did I try and, and," he tried getting out before I saw his eyes watering up. He didn't want any of this. I would never forgive myself for all the pain that one stupid decision of mine would cost him. And how much pain it could put in others. I started crying too, my back still turned to him. I spun around in his direction, tears now streaming my face. I ran over to him, pummeling my face deep within his chest. He grabbed my back, shoving me tighter into him. He was my safe place, and I knew that even when he was in wolf form he wouldn't hurt me. Even when he was trying to get away from me not even 10 minutes ago, all he was trying do was serve his main goal. To protect me. To make me feel safe. When I finally looked up out of my buried spot in his shirt, I saw that Scott, Allison, and Isaac had left. I assumed that Stiles had shooed them off, wanting some alone time to talk about his change.
"You didn't try and hurt me Stiles. You were trying to protect me." He was surprised by my sudden urge to talk, but our eyes met and he still looked scared. He put his hand over his face, slowly drawing it down to his mouth.
"That's my only real purpose as a werewolf, I think. We have an unspoken connection, stronger than I've ever known. I've always felt we had one, but I think it has grown into something more powerful since you were with me when I got bit. You kept me from changing. But I don't know what happened back there, it's like this time your voice was making me want to change. Like it was urging me to transform and protect you. I don't know whether you bring me back or make me change, but I know it's something. When you held me and looked me in the eyes, that brought me back. And then....." He trailed off once again, and I knew this time it was so he would have a chance to mention the way I kissed him. "You never answered my question, by the way." He finished.
"What question?"
"I asked you why you did that. Why you kissed me." I thought about how I could answer that question, and I was scared to admit that it wasn't just to bring him back.
"I, uh, heard that when you're distracted, you would change back."
"Huh, well that might come in handy sometime in the near future." I laughed a little, finding it funny how he still thought he wasn't "on my radar", as Stiles once explained.
I thought about walking out the door right that instant, just before I realized we were in my own house.
"I'll keep you stable, Stiles. I'm your anchor now." I stated, which made Stiles instantly beam. Right then, he wrapped both of his hands around my hips and pushed me into him, smashing his lips against mine yet again. I embraced the moment, knowing we wouldn't get to spend time together like this again for a while. I placed my arms around his neck as we walked backwards, falling onto the couch. I giggled as he continued to kiss me, unable to contain the huge smile that spread over my face. He lifted his head slightly away from mine before saying,
"I've been waiting for this moment since the third grade." This made me laugh out loud, still unable to grasp the idea he cared about me that much.
"For what?" I asked, just to make him antsy.
"For the moment that Lydia Martin finally decides to return my undeniable love and desire."
"I still haven't said it yet, you know." I blushed, knowing it was too early.
"You will sooner or later, it's all part of my ten-year plan" I laughed again, pulling his lips back onto mine. It was so much easier this way, light and airy and smiley, than my other hostile and forced "love" with Jackson. As we kissed, I could feel Stiles' warm smile seeping into mine. And he could feel my smile do the exact same.

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